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2003-12-25 09:10:06


【小語】1.Stan’s whole life is about a legend of a “Taiwan brand godfather.”2.You guys can know more about management concepts of this “never-give-up brand master” from 《再造宏碁》(published by ...

2003-12-24 09:09:37


【小語】1.Morris’ whole life is about a legend of a “semiconductor industry godfather.”2.You guys can know more about this “leader of leaders” from 《IC教父 張忠謀的策略傳奇》and《張忠謀自傳》(al...

2003-12-23 09:11:11


【小語】1.I once had a chance to apply for a job in Nike’s rival company. As saying something improperly (at that time, it’s not a good strategy!), I lost the offer. Stupid Steve!2.I admit to that s...

2003-12-22 09:09:08


【小語】1.Nike now is cooler and cooler! You can check it out on the Web to know what’s going on with them.2.Its success has made me rethink about the art of marketing all the time.------------------...

2003-12-21 09:09:47


【小語】1.弟弟即將退伍,他現在是8000公尺跑40分鐘的「悍將」,我已經遠遠落後於他了!幸運的是:還好他太忙,沒時間搞一個叫【james in the well】的網站,不然讀者一定都跑去看他寫的文章,沒人理我!2.本台後來推...

2003-12-20 14:56:23



2003-12-20 13:45:20

【轉載新聞】主持價碼創新高 吳宗憲1小時賺20萬

【steve’s viewpoint】 1.去年(2002)年終,吳宗憲因為經營ET Jacky頻道慘賠一億兩千萬元(請參閱本台另一篇【轉載新聞】的介紹)。現在,他的身價則又更上一層樓!Steve只能說:「好樣的,真有一套!」至於是哪一套,...

2003-12-18 12:16:19


【steve’s viewpoint】 1.經常聽到「千里馬與伯樂」的譬喻,但卻一直沒機會了解它的歷史故事,今天心血來潮,花了一些時間搜尋,找到一些資料,滿有意思的,與讀者們分享!這故事對「員工」而言,是思考「個人定...

2003-12-16 09:45:29


「我,到底在追尋什麼?」這是Steve在【steve in the well】屆滿十三個月,人生來到一個「完全自主」、「完全自由」階段的同時,提醒自己好好去想一想的嚴肅問題。 退伍至今,心情已經由完全的輕鬆漸漸轉趨沉重。...

2003-12-14 08:12:51

【勇闖天涯】回家也很好(episode V)

時間:2003年09月28日(Sun.)下午 地點:Taipei 經過將近二十四小時的轉機飛行,終於平安順利回到家鄉的懷抱,這種感覺的興奮與感動,不下於在Boston與老友深深擁抱。對於能夠幫「某某航空公司」省下一大筆理賠金...

2003-12-14 06:44:10


晚上,走在熱鬧的台北東區,人潮與車流,將攝氏十四度的寒意一掃而空,一幕幕的街景透露著:台灣也是「有在給他過耶誕節的!」 沉浸在快樂氣氛的瞬間,一夥人迎面而來,感覺上像是一群剛剛結束宴會的朋友們,正興...

2003-12-11 01:39:21

【勇闖天涯】我是台灣人(episode IV)

時間:2003年09月26日(Fri.)下午 地點:波士頓(Boston) 今天要踏上返鄉的旅途囉!坐在Jason豪華二手跑車中,映入眼簾的是幾天前同樣的街景;不同的是經過數日之後,陌生感消失了,雖談不上親切,但回想幾天下來的...

2003-12-08 12:28:11

A Man with Passion

He is an entrepreneur with passion.His passed away made me hit on a sentence from Mel Gibson in the movie---Braveheart--- Every man dies, but not every man really lives!(人都會死,但並非每個人都真正活...

2003-12-02 09:54:31

【steve KTV包廂】Feel

Dear Mermaid, The following lyrics are impressed me very much. Share with you! Just FEEL it as well! “I just wanna feel real love Feel the home that I live in 'Cause I got too much life Runn...

2003-12-02 01:10:28

【Life Biz】To Compete under Pressure

Last Friday, I went to a big company for applying for a job. The company was so good and the candidates were all so experienced. I was the ONLY one who hasn’t had any formal working experience. In so...

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