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2010-02-02 23:20:24| 人氣569| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Care bear quiz

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Which Care Bear Are You???


You are most like Tenderheart Bear. Tenderheart is a loving and lovable bear who knows lots about helping others share their feelings. By helping people show they care, Tenderheart Bear helps spread love and make it grow. He wears the perfect symbol for his job on his tummy a heart.

His Caring Mission shows people how to care. His Symbol in the shape of a heart represents his famous loving care. His personality is caring and kind. His Character Quirk is that he’s a real daredevil in any vehicle from a skateboard to a cloudmobile. His color is Brown.His Best Friend is Grumpy Bear. His Relationship Challenge is helping Funshine Bear know when it’s the wrong time to joke. Motto is Nobody cares like a bear.

台長: 藍雨


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