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2006-04-09 00:00:30| 人氣81| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

somewhere in Seattle

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she is living a happy life in seattle...i know she’ll always try to
we are miles apart, she is my soul mate.
i cannot imagine how we could be apart but we are. and we’ll probably never going to be anywhere near or in each other’s life. but we are closest to each other’s heart.we’ll always be. who else understands us better than us?
do u know of someone like that? and that someone who will never be yours?
she is always trying to be happy, trying to be the sensible gal. she is. when kinship becomes a burden, i guess u have to forgo love.
can u tell which is more important?
how cruel is that if u have to make a decision to choose only either?

yeah, i do .

i do miss her.

台長: 藍雨
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