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英文寫作實驗室--When a wallet is like a book

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還記得這一堂寫作課, 班上同學們紛紛把自己的皮夾拿出來,認真地查看自己的皮夾與內含物

當時的場景煞是有趣... 但是也一度讓我懷疑, 老師是不是想要探人隱私呀?

為了要完成這篇文章, 這也是我第一次認真的觀察自己的皮夾, 並且把自己當作第三者


以下, 就是我的第一個英文短篇偵探故事...


                           When a wallet is like a book

         It was a cold, gray Friday. On my way home in the train, a cold,

white bag sat on one of the warm, blue seats. There was no one in the

car of the train except me, and the bag was like an infant left by a

careless mother. “ Who is stupid enough to lose a bag on the train?” I

wondered. Opening the sad bag, I found a black umbrella, a purple covered

notebook, a gray pencil bag, a pink box with a pair of glasses in it,

and a Red Eye newspaper. Um, inside the bag was a colorful world.

Oh my god, there was also a brown wallet like a piece of coffee cake

lying in the bottom of the bag! I tried to find a cell phone, which may

help me to contact the owner as soon as possible, but I gave up after

I checked all the parts of the bag. I guess the owner is a female,

a college student or some one who is learning English. When I opened

the wallet, just like opening a book, there were cards lined in a row on

each of the four pages, which had information waiting for me to know.

On the first page, I found  a citi bank master card, a driver’s license,

and an insurance card issued by Uchicago. I got her name, her address,

and her photo on page one. It seemed easy to contact her if I wanted.

She must be an Asian with long black  hair and dark brown eyes in her

late 20’s. She might be a student of UChicago. On the second page,

there were a UChicago library card, two wedding photos with her and

her husband’s  Chinese name, and a business card with a photo of an

older Asian woman who worked for the 21 century company. I am not

sure why she kept this  business card, maybe this card is her friend’s.

According to page two, I know she is married and both she and her

husband are Chinese or Taiwanese. Turning to the third page, I saw a

Costco member card issued by Taiwan and a CTA transit card.

 It is strange that she has a driver’s license but she takes trains.

And thanks to the Costco card, I got she is a Taiwanese finally.

What about the last page of this wallet? There were a Borders member

card, a Loehmann’s insider club card, and a United Mileage Plus member

card. It seemed that the owner is a book lover with a library card and

a Border’s card. However, she also went to Loehmann’s to buy new clothes.

I have been to Loehmann’s , too. The clothes there are pretty and not

expensive at all. Actually, I also found some stamps with animal pictures

and a sticker with a photo of a dog. I guess she is an animal lover, too.

But what touched me the most is that while everyone writes e-mails,

the woman still writes real letters and sends them with stamps!

Unzipping the wallet, I saw 28 dollars sleeping in it. It is interesting that

the amount of the money is close to her age.

Should I take the money away? It is serious time now. Of course not.

She must be nervous and if I were her, I would be going crazy.

After I got home,  I put the bag and all the stuff in a big box, sending it

with the owner’s stamps to her. You know, after I came to Chicago,

it is my first time to send a package to myself.

台長: 長小魚
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: 英語教學雜錄 |
此分類上一篇:英文寫作實驗室---A letter to my future child


2009-05-20 21:51:56





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