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2008-10-23 10:50:16| 人氣511| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The ESL Potluck!

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Guess what was going on in my ESL class today?

We had a potluck party.

The atmosphere was wonderful, and good pieces of music were around us.

My classmates from different countries brought their traditional dishes, and

each of the dishes tasted so good!

We had Mexico food such as flute, Italian food such as sweet rolls with chocolate,

Korean style noodle, American food such as fried chicken, and so on.

 I made Chinese style chicken salad and brought some cookies for the potluck party.

What's more, my teacher made two loaves of banana bread for us.

I felt like I was in heaven because the people in the class were very kind and generous!

It is true that happiness happens when something is shared.

The Korean mom and I

My teacher Jeff and I. His right hand was hurt because of writing too much and playing the guitar too hard.

My beautiful and cute classmates. The girl right by me looks like Samatha in Sex and the City.

Do you agree with me?

So funnny we are!

Wow! The light made everyone look like a Snow White.

The cake brought by my classmate Nina.

Enjoy the food!

台長: 長小魚
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: 英語教學雜錄 |
此分類下一篇:插播!! 像天堂一樣的ESL class--Jeff 的吉他演奏
此分類上一篇:My ESL writing assignment, share with you!

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