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2007-03-28 03:00:23| 人氣305| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

我是旁聽生, 可是教授坐在我旁邊!

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I am an auditor in some classes,

and this morning I attent a class named Shakespear’s sonnets.

The professer is in his middle age and wears a pair of glasses

with black bows.

You know, since I am an auditor, I want to sit in the back of

the classroom,

but there are two blackboards in the room and finally

the professor was seated just by me!

I think he is not very good at expressing

what he wants to say, and

I think it is hard to understand Shakespear’s poems,

but you can enjoy the challenge itself.

On the campus, sometimes you can see students wear T-shirts with

words ” Where fun comes to die” on the back,

which means that students have to study hard in UC and

there is no fun here.

Yesterday when I went to the library, I found no one sleep there

and it was very different from what I observed in the libraries

in Taiwan’s Universities.

台長: 長小魚
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: 英語文創作( 詩, 散文) |
此分類上一篇:英語童畫詩(2) 小魚歷險記( Little Fish’s Adventure)

One of my professor was graduated from UC, too. She said the class was competitive because the teacher was asked to fail certain percentage of students in each class, no matter how great the whole studnets in the class are.
So you are lucky to have fun there. Haha
2007-04-03 23:41:27
I don`t have any schooling pressure, that`s why I can find pleasure there, and I am also new there, everything seems fresh.
2007-04-05 06:38:33
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