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Evade的兩場分別在澳門及香港Show, 有空要來看看啊!!

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同台有來自日本, 泰國及澳門的電子或Post Rock的表演者!

特別的是今次會有Visual的播放, 是我們Evade前所未有的,

大家有興趣的話, 要來看看啊!!




時間/Time:4/23 20:00(晚上8時正)
地點/ Venue:牛房倉庫 / Ox Warehouse

門票/Ticket: MOP $100
售票點/Ticket Office:牛房倉庫及邊度有書 / Ox Warehouse & Pinto Livros
(Special ticket purchase at MOP$70 are open for Friends of Ox Warehouse,Pinto Livros and students .Please present vaild ID during purchase)

現場不設劃位 Seats are not assigned

主辦 / Organizer:婆仔屋藝術空間 / 澳門大學學生會國際電影學會 / 節點文化
協辦 / Co-Organizer:邊度有書 / 拍板視覺藝術團
贊助 / Sponsor﹕教育暨青年局 DSEJ, 澳門文化局
海報設計 / Jimi Vong


Kashiwa Daisuke (柏大輔)

日本廣島出生。高中時代曾經組過樂團,於04年開始個人創作,在阪本龍一的“RADIO SAKAMOTO”播放作品後,其充滿影像感的聲響呈現引起廣泛關注。05年在德國前衛廠牌[onpa]參與合輯,後在[onpa]發行個人首張專輯《April.#02》。《program music I》是07年在日本著名獨立廠牌noble發表第二張專輯,以日本國寶作家宮澤賢治的《銀河鐵道之夜》與太宰治的《奔跑吧,梅洛斯》作為兩首作品的母題,以其狂暴偏執的密集式拼貼與錯誤美學手段,將長篇室內樂章加以拆解扭曲再重組,呈現氣勢迫人的極速異質聲響世界。在最新作品《5 Dec.》當中,則大量使用人聲採樣與更暴烈的噪音與金屬吉他狂飆,伴隨的是各式電子節奏氛圍,從break core、down tempo、bleep techno到drum n’ bass,卻在往後出現戲劇性轉折,一切噪動回歸平靜的微模電音與鋼琴,柏大輔始終對聲響與留白之間的迷人反差有著異於尋常的狂想,孕育出獨特的金屬美學觀。

Influenced by progressive rock, kashiwa daisuke started composing music as a student.
2004, the artist started his solo activities as kashiwa daisuke and toured Germany in 2005.
2006 saw the release of his first album, “april.#02” by Germany’s onpa label, followed by his remix album, “april.#07” in 2007 with guest remixers such as olive oil, and Takeshi Nishimoto (I’m not a Gun). In August of that year, kashiwa released his second album “program music I” from noble labels. September 2008, kashiwa performed at the outdoor festival, Sense of Wonder.
The sounds of kashiwa daisuke were introduced in RADIO SAKAMOTO, a radio program by Ryuichi Sakamoto as well as in the sunaokuwahara “2006 Autumn/ Winter Collection”, and his music continues to gather news in a range of other areas including TV programs and commercials.
In addition to his own musical activities, the artist provides music to a variety of media and also works as an author, remixer, and mastering engineer.
His new album, “5 Dec.” is scheduled for release in February 2009.

Desktop Error

來自曼谷的desktop error是當前泰國最具爆炸性的後搖滾樂隊,從早期深受90年代英國另類搖滾影響,及後加入曼谷獨立音樂廠牌SO::ON Dry Flower即展現他們自身獨特樂風,06年出版首張ep《Instinct》,六首曲子滿載厚實吉他音牆與另類搖滾節奏,粗獷活力十足的現場演出迅速吸引曼谷地下搖滾樂迷與媒體注目。09年正式出版首張專輯《Ticket to Home》,一口氣收錄了14首他們的自創曲,首支單曲Took Took Wan (Everyday)即一嗚驚人登上電台排行榜冠軍達三週之久,樂隊吉他手Adisak Poung-ok (Bird)以他廣泛的音樂技能與獨特的音樂品味,甚至加上傳統泰國樂器,讓樂隊的風格得以確立,從泰國民謠、Shoegazing到後搖,一隊拒絕被歸類的強大音樂個體。

Desktop error began as a few high school buddies Tui (Bass), Meng (Drums), Bird (Guitar,keyboard), Op (Guitar) who were inspired by the 90's Brit alternative tunes. The band was completed after Lek (vocals) joined them a few years later.
Desktop error started off their music career by playing indie rock covers at a small pub in downtown called Lullabar (one of few venue where kids can enjoy good live music in Bangkok). They soon decided that playing other people!s songs was not enough for them and began making their own under the name Desktop Error. They came to local indie label SO::ON Dry Flower with their uniquely heavy mind capturing music. Soon they released their debut mini album Instinct in 2006. The album is composed of 6 songs with thick wall of guitar sounds and alternative beats. Their yet rough but energetic live performance gained attention from local music listeners and media.
In 2009, they released long awaited first full album Ticket to Home, they have spent 3 years to compose more than 20 songs and captured 14 of them into this album. Songs become more simple and strong with good melodies. As a result, their first single Took Took Wan (Everyday) stayed number one at radio chart for 3 weeks.
Guitarist Bird's wide musical skill add unique taste to band's music, especially when he play Thai traditional instrument. Album consists variety of music style, from Thai folk to Shoegazer as if they refuse to be categorized in one genre.


Evade是來自澳門的電子樂隊,成員包括主音Sonia、結他Brandon和電腦音效的Faye。Evade的音樂充滿甜蜜和夢幻意境,以聲音作媒介,尋找飄渺美感的氛圍。音樂風格深受Electronica、Dream-pop、Shoegazing和Dubstep影響。是現今澳門獨立音樂以及電子音樂領域的代表性聲音。2009年出版了首張唱片“Evade EP”,於香港、台灣、新加坡及日本等各地發售,現正籌備第二張唱片中。

Comfort, like a cat in the sofa. Beauty, like a flower in my/your heart. Happiness, like a bath in the sea. Sadness, like a music in the past...... [The band was formed in Macau on August 2004.]


2005年由五位成員組成的WhyOceans,深受著英式迷幻搖滾影響,曲風折衷性遊走於迷幻搖滾及情緒變化強烈的後搖滾之中。樂隊成立後,積極參與及活躍於本地各類型演出,包括「Hush!! Full Band 2007 / 2008 」、Macao Underground series等。08年獲邀參與由佰家音樂有限公司製作的本地搖滾音樂專輯iBands@Macau。09年, 樂隊應澳門大學學生會國際電影學會邀請,聯同廣州的沼澤樂隊,於「After Silence - 默片現場配樂音樂會」為多套美國及西班牙早期默片電影作現場配樂演出。

WhyOceans was created in 2005.Their music is very open, very atmospheric, it’s not hard to find some New Grave and Post-Rock and influences psychedelic rock through out their music, many detailed and subtle melody can be found in the songs. With the darkness visual with their live performance, you could found more message from their music.

Why is the question of all questions; they are constantly looking for the answer. Oceans connect lands and places; They hope their music will work like the water, connecting people and bringing their hearts together.

*節目查詢 / Program inquiry:(853)28 530026
*節目網站 / Program website:http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com



Performance Artists: 柏 大輔 (Kashiwa Daisuke) / Desktop Error / Evade Live In Hong Kong

Advance Tickets available at Kubrick-BC and White Noise Records from 31-March

Date : 24th-April (Sat)
Time: 8pm
Venue: Multi-media Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity (Enquiry: 2180 9595)
Address: 135 Junction Road, Kowloon (Lok Fu MTR Exit B, 5 mins walk)
Ticket Price: $250 (adv), $280 (at door)
Ticket Outlet: Kubrick-BC: shop h2, prosperous garden, 3 public square st., yaumatei, Kowloon (Enquiry: 23848929)
White Noise Records: Room 1901, 19/F, Workingview Commercial Building, 21 Yiu Wah Street,Causeway Bay, Hong Kong(Enquiry: 25910499)

日期:24/ 4/ 2010 (星期六)
地點:香港兆基創意書院 多媒體劇場, 九龍聯合道135號 (樂富地鐵站B出口,步行約5分鐘)
電話 Enquiry: 2180 9595
票價:$250 (預售), $280 (即場)
售票處:油麻地Kubrick, 九龍油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園H2地舖 (查詢: 23848929)
White Noise Records, 香港銅鑼灣耀華街21號華耀商業大廈19樓1901室
(查詢: 25910499)

3月31日起於Kubrick-BC及White Noise Records 有售

Interview 專訪查詢: whitenoise@netvigator.com or 93093659
Total Informations 節目查詢: White Noise 25910499, 93093659
Website 網址 : www.whitenoiserecords.org

Co-presents: white noise & cube productions
Venue Sponsor: HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
Sound Productions: Mad Productions
Support: Noble Records & SO::ON Dry Flower
Acknowledgement: Kubrick
Promotional Design: Trilingua

"Movie-tone" - Sound for moving images guarantees synchronization between the sound and the image. The artists from Movie-tone show keeps that your eyes follow the filmy sound and your ears follow the tonetically image.


# 柏 大輔 (Kashiwa Daisuke, JAPAN) with supported musician
Influenced by progressive rock, kashiwa daisuke started composing music as a student.
2004, the artist started his solo activities as kashiwa daisuke and toured Germany in 2005.
2006 saw the release of his first album, “april.#02” by Germany’s onpa label, followed by his remix album, “april.#07” in 2007 with guest remixers such as olive oil, and Takeshi Nishimoto (I’m not a Gun). In August of that year, kashiwa released his second album “program music I” from noble labels. September 2008, kashiwa performed at the outdoor festival, Sense of Wonder.
The sounds of kashiwa daisuke were introduced in RADIO SAKAMOTO, a radio program by Ryuichi Sakamoto as well as in the sunaokuwahara “2006 Autumn/ Winter Collection”, and his music continues to gather news in a range of other areas including TV programs and commercials.
In addition to his own musical activities, the artist provides music to a variety of media and also works as an author, remixer, and mastering engineer.
His new album, “5 Dec.” is scheduled for release in February 2009.

生於日本廣島的柏大輔,早在求學時期已開始創作音樂之路,一直深受70年代Progressive Rock薰陶的他,於06年在德國廠牌Onpa發表首張個人專集《april.#02》,集合了Post Rock、Electronica、Neo-Classical等元素的史詩式長篇作品,零碎聲響中又湊合出完整概念,造成破壞再重組、重組再破壞的獨特結構;其後而來的《program music I》發揮得淋漓盡致,把古典、電影配樂、實驗電子等聲音,解構再結合的抽像意境,比World's End Girlfriend來得更瘋狂和徹底;近作《5 Dec》極瑞的對立性編排,時而寂靜,時而暴戾,重型的Metallic結他、疾勁的Drum N' Bass節拍,無法預測的破壞力,充滿戲劇性的起承轉合,帶來扭曲而華麗的異色之音。


# Desktop Error (THAILAND)
Desktop error began as a few high school buddies Tui (Bass), Meng (Drums), Bird (Guitar,keyboard), Op (Guitar) who were inspired by the 90's Brit alternative tunes. The band was completed after Lek (vocals) joined them a few years later.
Desktop error started off their music career by playing indie rock covers at a small pub in downtown called Lullabar (one of few venue where kids can enjoy good live music in Bangkok). They soon decided that playing other people!s songs was not enough for them and began making their own under the name Desktop Error. They came to local indie label SO::ON Dry Flower with their uniquely heavy mind capturing music.
Soon they released their debut mini album Instinct in 2006. The album is composed of 6 songs with thick wall of guitar sounds and alternative beats. Their yet rough but energetic live performance gained attention from local music listeners and media.
In 2009, they released long awaited first full album Ticket to Home, they have spent 3 years to compose more than 20 songs and captured 14 of them into this album. Songs become more simple and strong with good melodies. As a result, their first single Took Took Wan (Everyday) stayed number one at radio chart for 3 weeks.
Guitarist Bird's wide musical skill add unique taste to band's music, especially when he play Thai traditional instrument. Album consists variety of music style, from Thai folk to Shoegazer as if they refuse to be categorized in one genre.

泰國音樂會令你想起什麼?沒有「沙娃滴卡」,只有Indie Guitar的音韻,他們是五人樂隊Desktop Error ,由英式Guitar-Pop到晶瑩通透的Post-Rock,《Ticket To Home》專集裡猶如The Sea And Cake般自然亮麗的清爽聲音,好比泰國的陽光與海灘般怡人。- whitenoise

來自曼谷的desktop error是當前泰國最具爆炸性的後搖滾樂隊,從早期深受90年代英國另類搖滾影響,及後加入曼谷獨立音樂廠牌SO::ON Dry Flower即展現他們自身獨特樂風,06年出版首張ep《Instinct》,六首曲子滿載厚實吉他音牆與另類搖滾節奏,粗獷活力十足的現場演出迅速吸引曼谷地下搖滾樂迷與媒體注目。09年正式出版首張專輯《Ticket to Home》,一口氣收錄了14首他們的自創曲,首支單曲Took Took Wan (Everyday)即一嗚驚人登上電台排行榜冠軍達三週之久,樂隊吉他手Adisak Poung-ok (Bird)以他廣泛的音樂技能與獨特的音樂品味,甚至加上傳統泰國樂器,讓樂隊的風格得以確立,從泰國民謠、Shoegazing到後搖,一隊拒絕被歸類的強大音樂個體。- nodeculture


# Evade (MACAU)
Comfort, like a cat in the sofa. Beauty, like a flower in my/your heart. Happiness, like a bath in the sea. Sadness, like a music in the past...... [The band was formed in Macau on August 2004.]

2009年出版了首張唱片“Evade EP”,於香港、台灣、新加坡及日本等地發售,現正籌備第二張唱片中。

台長: Sonia Ka Ian Lao
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