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2006-01-07 12:38:09| 人氣1,164| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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我願身在 卡瑞佛格
那兒城堡 大海在望
我要泅越 深深海洋
以求吾愛 在我身旁

但海遼闊 我難游過
也無羽翼 可以飛渡
願能有個 俊美船伕
為我擺渡 愛情偕吾

我願身在 愛爾之地
那兒山脈 與海相繫
那兒花開 深藏記憶
有我真愛 不棄不離

但海遼闊 我難游過
也無羽翼 可以飛渡
此刻將回 卡瑞佛格
長相廝守 吾愛與我

願我身在 卡瑞佛格
長相廝守 吾愛與我

Carrickfergus (Charlotte Church)

I Wish I was in Carrickfergus
Where the castle looks out to sea
I would swim over the deepest ocean
For my love to be with me

But the sea is wide and I cannot swim over
Nor have I the wings to fly
I wish I had a handsome boatman
To ferry me over, my love and I

I wish I was in the land of Eire
Where the mountains reach the sea
Where flowers blossom as I do remember
Where my true love came to me

But the sea is wide, and I cannot swim over
Nor have I the wings to fly
Ah, to be back now in Carrickfergus
To be together, my love and I
To be together, my love and I

I wish I was in Carrickfergus
To be together, my love and I

台長: solesoul
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