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2005-04-10 08:12:54| 人氣132| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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 蕭美惠譯自路透外電 It has long been common practice for f irms that are short of bright strategic ideas to turn to outsiders for help. The se outsiders usually come from the growi ng ranks of management consultants. Inde ed, a large part of this now massive ind ustry was built on the rage for strategi c planning in the 1960s. Business Week o nce wrote that strategic planning “spaw ned a mini-industry of brainy consulting boutiques”, backed by the belief that you could plot a strategy that would saf ely steer your company to uninterrupted triumph if only you thought hard enough ”.


 Several of the leading strategy consul tants were based in Boston, a location t hat kept them in close touch with Harvar d, a university that was (and still is) the source of many of the brightest (and most sellable) ideas about corporate st rategy. The consultants would act as int ermediaries, interpreting and developing the ideas that came out of the universi ties for the benefit of the corporate ma sses. They would also disseminate their own ideas. In the 1960s, for example, Mc Kinsey and a number of other firms were responsible for spreading the concept of matrix management to the industrial com munity at large.


 A growth business And very successful they have been at it too. Few low-tech b usinesses have grown like management con sulting in the past few years. Growth ra tes of 20~30% a year have not been unu sual. Yet management consultancy is not an infant industry. In its early years i t was not a technology-driven business t hat might have expected to enjoy such gr owth. Firms like Arthur D. Little can tr ace their pedigree back to the 19th cent ury. McKinsey and Booz-Allen & Hamilton began consulting in the early years of t he 20th century. What then accounts for the boom that they have been enjoying?

 這些管理顧問公司在這方面算是做得相當成功。過去幾年來,很少低科技產業能像管理顧問行業般成長得這麼快,一年的業績成長個2 、3成是稀鬆平常的事。不過管理顧問並不算新興行業。在這個行業的萌芽時期,它無法像科技導向產業一樣預期自身會有如此高的成長率。像亞瑟迪雷特企管顧問公司這類的公司,可以一路回溯到19世紀。麥肯錫企管顧問公司與布茲‧亞倫與漢彌爾頓企管顧問公司則在20 世紀初開創他們的顧問事業。那麼,究竟是何種原因使得這些公司能享有傲人的業績成長?

 First, it is important to recognise th at the term "management consultancy" cov ers several different disciplines. Altho ugh some firms have been growing fast, o thers have been showing the more normal expected growth rates of a mature busine ss.


 The business can be divided roughly in to five disciplines:1.Corporate strategy ,2.Organisational structure (including f inance, human resources and marketing),3 .Public-sector management,4.Information technology,5.Product development.

 管理顧問業大略可區分為下列五大領域:1. 企業策略、2.企業組織架構(包括財務、人力資源與行銷)、3.公共事業管理、4.資訊科技、5.產品研發。

 In 1980, the three staples of the cons ultancy business (the first three items on the list above) accounted for some 80 % of all consultancy revenue; by 1990 t hat had slipped to about 60%, and today it is probably under 50%.


 High tech gets hot In the 1990s, the r ed-hot area was information technology ( IT). It almost single-handedly pushed th e business into the stratosphere. In som e years, revenue in the UK from IT consu ltancy grew by 50%; growth in revenue f rom more traditional corporate-strategy advice rarely grew by more than single d igits. There is little crossover between strategy consulting and IT advice. A su rvey in 2001 showed that more than three -quarters of a sample of large global bu sinesses did not use their traditional s trategy consultants for advice on IT-rel ated matters.


 The growth in IT consulting was fuelle d by the arrival of the Internet and by the end-of-the-century fears about the M illennium Bug, a programming of computer s that meant that they could read only t he last two digits of any one year. Henc e, went the fear, they would confuse the year 2000 with the year 1900. A pension er whose pension was due to begin in 200 0 might have to wait another 100 years f or any pay-out. In the event, the pensio ner didn have to wait. Either the bug ha d been a phantom, or the consultants did such a good job that they crushed it co mpletely.


台長: marco
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