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2014-06-17 19:36:40| 人氣1,035| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

美味的越南小吃 + 註定的遇見

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2014/06/13 今年唯一的十三號星期五


晚上妹妹和朋友聚會回家後,要我拿出托特牌幫她排一下關於左右為難的事,我牌一倒出來就在那邊喃喃自語,妹妹以為我是因為看到最上面那張Princess of Disks的關係,其實我根本沒注意到它剛好就在第一張,我是在唸說怎麼會連那兩張說明卡片也一起被倒出來了,以前我通常都把這兩張留在盒子裡的。




我呢?人生至此的我該怎麼辦?Princess of Disks想告訴我什麼?她權杖上的鑽石在下方閃閃發亮,身後的枯樹樹根依然生氣盎然,手上的玫瑰圓盤象徵復活、重生……要踏實地過好每一天,會的,一切都會越來越好,你不會有自己的孩子,可是你會脫胎換骨,就好像你重新誕生在這個世界一樣,你會清楚知道自己的天命,不枉此生。

The Princess of Disks

This card is one with a great deal of hidden strength and power within it, which promises new growth, big changes and new beginnings, accompanied by the inner reserves to make the best of those influences.

A day ruled by this Princess is one on which financial matters will usually work well, and where you may quite possibly receive good news regarding money and wealth. Pay special attention to ideas you have during a day like this, and be prepared to think them through and act on them as soon as the time is right.

Keep firmly in touch with everyday life, but listen for the whispers of intuition which are sparked by part of the Princess's inner power. This is a day to be well-earthed, but to walk with your head among the stars.

The Princess of Disks has a hidden title - the rose of the Palace of Earth. And here we find the deepest spiritual aspects of her influence. The Palace of Earth is the planet, and the rose is connected symbolically to the rosa mundi, the Rose of the World - a symbol of resurrection and eternal life.

Thus this card touches upon the most important issues about being in love with life - its creation, its experience, its excitement and promise of fulfillment. When we are able to enjoy each passing minute of our lives, we put ourselves in touch with the mighty and empowering forces of love which flow through the Cosmos at all times. We become more deeply aware of the creative force of the goddess, and more in touch with our own inner vitality and life force.

Affirmation: I now welcome fresh growth and renewal into my life.

出處: http://www.angelpaths.com

台長: 老鼠人
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