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2013-05-24 11:05:45| 人氣1,876| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

自習課塗鴉 I Summon You

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Justice has long arms. 法網恢恢,疏而不漏。

Creativity is just connecting things. -- Steve Jobs


I summon you to appear my love... 


I Summon You

Remember the weight of the world
It's the sound that we used to buy
On cassette and 45
And now this little girl
She says will we make it at all
800 miles is a drive

Yeah you got the weight of the world coming down like a mother's eye
And all that you can
All that you can give is a cold goodbye
The law enforcement's impressed you've survived to this age
Strapped-up soldiers
They'll lock you in a cage without goodbye
For a nickel bribe

But aww no where are you tonight
And how'd we get here
It's too late to break it off
I need a release
The signal's a cough
But that don't get me off
I summon you to appear my love
Got the weight of the world
I summon you here my love

Remember the weight of the world
It's a sound that we used to buy
And all that you can
All that you can give is a cold goodbye
The law enforcement's impressed you've survived to this age
Strapped-up soldiers
They'll lock you in a cage without goodbye
For a nickel bribe

But aww no where are you tonight
And how'd we get here
It's too late to break it off
I need a release
The signal's a cough
But that don't get me off
I summon you here my love
Got the weight of the world
I summon you here my love
The signal's a cough but that don't get me off
I summon you here my love

台長: 老鼠人
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此分類上一篇:禪繞畫 -- 心 No.2 How To Save A Life

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