
* shaped social identity, justice, freedom
* personal inner experiences
* smile mechanism
* Without a body, we can’t feel happy.
* We can’t change our mood ‘directly.’
The nerve system is not controlled by our consciousness.
* Without thinking, you’ll be afraid always. Your body has been reacting to the danger itself.
* emotions: unconscious feelings: conscious
* A bodiless creature feels nothing. If you’ve experienced your body’s impulse, your brain can even imitate the whole procedure.
* emotions plans, action
* muscles around the eyes
Conscious unhappy smile can’t fool your brain. How funny it is.
* a feelingless patient
* Emotional reactions save more time and energy in face of danger. Yet, it doesn’t take over more complicated situations in our life.
* You sense the fear. You are not at the mercy of the fear.
* Intelligence alone can’t help us go back on the right track.
* satisfaction-pursuit, biological mechanism
Something’s wrong. Don’t ignore it.
* Human beings have to strive for happiness.
Experience + expectations self-control
* Happiness is closely related to proper conducts.
* Get rid of the pain? That doesn’t guarantee you the happiness you’ve expected.
* Recognize the happiness in unhappiness and the unhappiness in happiness.
* All the different parts of your brain work together when you feel a thing, either sadness or happiness. No particular part works alone.
* Hemisphere? A myth?
* extremely sad (0.01 sec)
Your emotions run much faster than your consciousness.
* A positive feeling and a negative feeling trigger each other.
* Obtain more happiness or reduce more pain? Both are available.
Sophia’s example: Music helps all the time.
* emotion-adjusting
* We don’t need an outlet! Simply control your emotions.
* Out-dated 19th century explanation. Our brain is not a steam boiler.
* You’re not just happier but also healthier. Learn to control your negative emotions.
* The brain can reboot itself.
* preference reset
* avoid it or get used to it
* Human being’s feelings are flexible and thus can be converted.
* new neurolinks
* The world is in our head!
Sophia’s example: Birds’ singing in the neighborhood
* Simply for practice!
* Carpe diem
* Expand your Hippocampus!!
* Rationality actually has a lot to do with happiness.
* We don’t chance to be happy.
* existence, essence
* pretense , tricks, strength/power, speed tips for survival
* Our body is still of the ancient design.
* Reptile brain : survival
Ancient mammal brain: recognition
New/new-age brain: imagination, communication, sympathy
* dynamic brain
* Hormones work like an orchestra.
* We are not chemical puppets. We are not ruled by these molecules.
* Live peacefully with your desires and emotions. Don’t waste your time fighting against them, your nature.
* direct influence: new information passed on and on
change the way how the cells will deal with the new information
* Pleasure is derived from expectations, not from rewards.
* Unexpected surprise leads to excitement and satisfaction.
* Change the situation that we’ve been used to.
Not better, but more and fresh.
* We don’t want to keep it; instead, we want more and something different from what we’ve got.
* Coolidge effect
* It’s not something or someone better, but something or someone new that excites you.
* It’s part of our nature to get interested in changes.
* Curiosity is a blessing.
* comprehension and creativity strengthened
* The brain runs on fun.

* Pleasure is temporary.
the shocking experiments on rats What a brutal experiment.
* The ugly side of good feelings.
* The mechanism of desire: Satisfaction or excitement is obtained through doing something not through achieving a goal.
* All addictions are derived from the same mechanism.
* P.200 Good example: 1672 vs. 1645
* Homosexual men don’t have women’s brains.
* High: a peace-maker? SEX
A happy person finds no reason to fight with others.
* There’s a sort of mechanism that prevents a couple from getting numb in their long-term relationship. Sex is the spell.
* Raising kids doesn’t guarantee more happiness; instead, it brings you more challenges.
* A monkey that makes efforts to improve its social relationships leads a happier life.
* Friends promise you a longer life.
* Cruel experiment! Kids with zero contact with others.
Experiments on humans can never be reversed.
* The significance (meaning and effect) of a get-together desire is universal.
RELATIONSHIP-forming Give and take.

* Two ways of information storage:
A conscious memory
Subconscious / unconscious sensation (feelings)
* Form a circulation of give-and-take
* People are busy searching for happiness while the greatest happiness lies in keeping busy.
* We always want more.
* Unlike monkeys, we can control our desires.
* a good relationship + sex life
* Depression is an energy-saving plan.
* Helplessness is a learned attitude.
* The energy-saving plan is so risky that we fall into depression so easily today.
* Depression is a reward for imagination and intelligence.
* Prozac fights against unhappiness, but it doesn’t bring you happiness.
Prozac is non-effective for healthy people.
* Prozac works in an indirect way.
* Healthy comprehension is better than complicated ideas.
* Write it down and then get rid of it.