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2005-04-14 09:09:29| 人氣278| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

So this is me....

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I am always curious about how people look me and make myself confused and unhappy about what they might think of me.

The truth is, I always do not have much confidence in me.

After the super hard working in these 2 months, what I have learned a lot is actually not the job itself but to know myself better....after the butler training, supervisory skills training and trainer skills, I gain weight not only phisiclly but also in some other invisible places in my body. I push myself to grow up a little bit everyday and train myself to be more mature to handle with the endless work and new staff.I have to say, sometimes, I love what pressure brings to me.

I hope I can be as happy as the old man and have no regret when I am old.

台長: 游泳圈女孩游來叫姐姐
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全站分類: 藝術設計(手創、設計、室內空間、裝潢) | 個人分類: 台長推薦 |

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