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【開幕 Opening】2014.7.26 Sat. 17:00

【地點 Venue】mad L :北市羅斯福路五段241-1號一樓

【藝術家 Artist】邱琳窈

【策展人 Curator】楊詩涵

【展期 Date】2014.7.26 - 2014.8.24

Hamlet: Do you see nothing there?
The Queen: Nothing at all; yet all that is I see.
— Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act III, Scene IV

文/ 楊詩涵
譯/ 楊舒帆


物質為什麼會經過時間的作用後而變質?為什麼時間可以改變物質的性質?若以科學的角度來看,一件物質其實是在封閉空間中和另外一件物質發生了化學反應,再經過時間的流逝而改變其性質,但是化學反應其實是使物質中的原子重新排列,反應的前後原子的種類與數目其實是不會改變的。換句話說,在這過程中,某個物質的外表可能變了,但是整體的質量其實沒有改變。任何一種化學反應,其反應前後的質量是不會改變的。即便我們肉眼可能看不到、感受不到,但大部份事物還是符合質量守恆定律,質量守恆定律是自然界普遍存在的基本定律之一,其所代表的時空效應也構成了守恆律的基礎。一個東西會腐壞,是因為它跟空氣中的氧結合後而慢慢腐爛,但是若讓時間暫停在一個點上,這東西是可以保持在那個時間點上的狀態而不變動的。問題是時間無法暫停。柏格森﹙Henri Bergson﹚把世界分成兩個根本相異的部分,一是生命,另外一部份是物質﹐若說生命是一個理智的個體,那物質可以被視為某種無自動力的東西。生命在物質中打轉,兩者互相拉扯著對方。在邱琳窈的作品裡頭,她試圖使生命物質化、使物質生命化。

【Chiu Lin-Yao】
Text/ Ida Yang
Translation/ Shufan Yang

Can a substance remain in the same state without changing itself?

Why does a substance deteriorate? Why can time change the characteristics of matter? From a scientific point of view, one substance has a chemical reaction with another substance in a closed space, changing their characteristics through the passage of time. The chemical reaction rearranges the molecular structure. However, the type and the number of atoms stay the same. In other words, through this process, the appearance of the substance might change, but the mass of the entity will not. The mass stays the same in every kind of chemical reaction. Although we may not be able to see it or feel it, most things in the world obey a basic principle of nature: the law of conservation of mass. The basis of that law is built on observed spacial- temporal effects. If a substance rots, it is because it's reacting with oxygen in the air. If we could force time to stop, then the substance would remain the same. But time cannot stop. Henri Bergson divided the world into two parts, completely different from each other. One is life, and the other is substance. If we think of life as a rational entity, then we may think of substance as something with no impulse in itself. As life moves among substance, they are attracted to each other. In the works of Chiu Lin-Yao, she intends to substantiate the life, and enliven the substance.

► 藝術家簡介 Artist Bio

參展經歷 Exhibitions
2011年 - 第三屆GEISAI TAIWAN,台北
2011年 - 油畫聯展於一票票畫廊,台北
2010年 - 畢業作品「隕石」刊登於瀑布雜誌第二期
2009年 - 三人聯展於LILI gallery,台北

個人網站 Website:


sculpture, 邱琳窈, 2013

Painting, 邱琳窈, 2013

台長: 貓頭鷹
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