Eight balloons no one was buyin’
All broke loose one afternoon.
Eight balloons with strings a-flyin’,
Free to do what they wanted to.
One flew up to touch the sun—POP!
One thought highways might be fun—POP!
One took a nap in a cactus pile—POP!
One stayed to play with a careless child—POP!
One tried to taste some bacon fryin’—POP!
One fell in love with a porcupine—POP!
One looked close in a crocodile’s mouth—POP!
One sat around ‘til his air ran out—WHOOSH!
Eight balloons no one was buyin’—
They broke loose and away they flew,
Free to float and free to fly.
And free to pop where they wanted to.
I asked the zebra,
Are you black with white stripes?
Or white with black stripes?
And the zebra asked me,
Are you good with bad habits?
Or are you bad with good habits?
Are you noisy with quiet times?
Or are you quiet with noisy times?
Are you happy with some sad days?
Or are you sad with some happy days?
Are you neat with some sloppy ways?
Or are you sloppy with some neat ways?
And on and on and on and on
And on and on he went.
I’ll never ask a zebra
About stripes

The Gooloo bird
She has no feet,
She cannot walk
Upon the street.
She cannot build
Herself a nest,
She cannot land
And take a rest.
Through rain and snow
And thunderous skies,
She weeps forever
As she flies,
And lays her eggs
High over town,
And prays that they
Fall safely down.

Said the Toad to the Kangaroo,
”I can hop and so can you,
So if we marry we’ll have a child
Who can jump a mountain or hop a mile
And we can call it a Toadaroo.”
Said the hopeful Toad to the kangaroo.
Said the Kangaroo,”My dear,
What a perfectly lovely idea.
I would most gladly marry you,
But as for having a Toadaroo,
I’s rather we call it a Kangaroad.”
Said the kangaroo to the frowning Toad.
So they argued but cound’t agree
On Rangatoo or Kangaree
And finally the Toad said,”I don’t give a dang
If it’s Rootakoad or Toadakang ─
I really don’t feel like marrying you!”
”Fine with me,”said the Kangaroo.
And the Toad had no more to say,
And the Kangaroo just hopped away.
And they never married or had a child
That could jump a mountain or hop amile.
What a loss—what a shame—
Just ’cause they couldn’t agree on a name.

Take an eel,
Make a loop,
Use him as a Hula Hoop.
Feel him twist and twirl and spin,
Down your ankles, round your chin,
Tighter, tighter, tighter yet,
Ain’t an eel a lovely pet?
Hey--answer when I talk to you--
Don’t just stand there turning blue.
He’s the man in the iron pail mask,
He can do the most difficult task,
He can duel, he can joust,
He can charge, he can chase,
He can climb, he can rhyme,
He can wrestle and race.
He’ll show you his courage
But mever his face,
No matter how often you ask.
He’s the Brave and the Fearless
The usually Yearless
Man in the iron pail mask.