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2021-12-23 00:50:54

300-228◆ 仰望你的應許 ◆

mahapn211222a1 300-228◆ 仰望你的應許 ◆ 沒人推你一把時,要自己用力的盪上去! 只是...有時看似...好像是...要推你一把... 結果...竟是...用力推你...差點兒讓你跌倒... 這是小時候,下...

2021-12-22 02:43:28

◆ 冬至圓 ◆

211221a1 211221a2 211221a3 ◆ 冬至圓 ◆ ====================================== ◆ Glutinous rice ball ◆ ======================================

2021-12-21 03:28:13

◆ 大象蘋果---第倫桃 ◆

211220a1 211220a2 ◆ 大象蘋果---第倫桃 ◆ ====================================== ◆ Elephant apple --- Dillenia indic ◆ ======================================

2021-12-20 03:42:04

◆ 宇宙級的~ 胖胖杏鮑菇 ◆

211219a1 211219a2 211219a3 ◆ 宇宙級的~ 胖胖杏鮑菇 ◆ ====================================== ◆ Fat~Pleurotus eryngii ◆ Pleurotus eryngii + Rice-flour noodles + Veget...

2021-12-19 02:48:14

◆ 飄洋過海 ◆

211218a1 211218a2 211218a3 ◆ 飄洋過海 ◆ ====================================== ◆ Across the Ocean ◆ From far away... New Zealand apple & seeds. =======...

2021-12-18 01:51:20

◆ 我愛瑜伽--雲雀式 ◆

mahapn211217a1 ◆ 我愛瑜伽--雲雀式 ◆ ====================================== ◆ I LOVE YOGA--- Skylark Pose ◆ Listen to your body. This is my yoga time Enjoy it. Our ability to feel...

2021-12-17 00:38:01

◆ Many blessings & wishes to you ◆

◆ Many blessings & wishes to you ◆ Thinking of you with lots of love, hope & happiness. The gift of love!The gift of peace!The gift of happiness!

2021-12-16 03:35:05

◆ 花開花落自有時 ◆

211215a1 ◆ 花開花落自有時 ◆ 電視頻道轉轉間... 發現一位早期早期的女歌手...出現在畫面上... 喝!我還認得,但名字雄雄叫不出來... 但她的歌,我還能哼個幾句...那幾句 也不成句, 只是片...

2021-12-15 02:51:50

◆ Recipe~ 忘憂湯 ◆

mahapn211214a1 ◆ Recipe~ 忘憂湯 ◆ 金針花煮清湯,真的好喝,只是不易買到。 以前到山上的老街,看到一位阿被在賣,當時買了一些。 之後,想再跟阿被買金針花,機緣不再...或許季節不對... ...

2021-12-14 03:12:11

◆ (((請...支...援...收...銀))) ◆

211213a1 211213a2 211213a3 211213a4 ◆ (((請...支...援...收...銀))) ◆ 還是老樣子...到圖書館借書,再順便買一些日用品和吃的。 買一些超商沒有賣的東西,吃...

2021-12-13 00:23:58

◆ 願平安幸福常伴你左右! ◆

mahapn211212a1 ◆ 願平安幸福常伴你左右! ◆ ====================================== ◆ May peace and happiness be with you always! ◆ Jesus knows me! Jesus is my special Best Friend....

2021-12-12 02:57:06

◆ 古老剪貼簿 ◆

211211a1 211211a2 211211a3 211211a4 211211a5 ◆ 古老剪貼簿 ◆ 《365個初心體驗的一年: 每天做一件新鮮事, 我的生命充滿驚喜與活力》 這書以前讀過...也曾試著做...

2021-12-11 03:41:09

◆ 阿瑪更蹬 & ㄤ導芬桂 ◆

211210a1 211210a2 211210a3 ◆ 阿瑪更蹬 & ㄤ導芬桂 ◆ 看了一些啥...又是世界末日的報導... 好像每隔一段時間...都會來個啥預言什麼的... 這回提的是...小行星可能會撞到...

2021-12-10 01:32:14

◆ 馬鈴薯 & 炸薯條 ◆

mahapn211209a1 ◆ 馬鈴薯 & 炸薯條 ◆ ====================================== ◆ Potato & French fries ◆ A place I belong. Move forward on our own pathway. =================...

2021-12-09 03:26:48

◆ 錯過了吃西瓜的季節 ◆

mahapn211208a1 ◆ 錯過了吃西瓜的季節 ◆ ====================================== ◆ Seasons come & Seasons go ◆ Lost something... Find a way & go for it. I needed to get clear...

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