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2022-12-13 02:20:10

◆ 驚異傳奇~ 姨婆的奇幻之旅! ◆

221212a1 ◆ 驚異傳奇~ 姨婆的奇幻之旅! ◆ 宇宙間 不明白的事,並非不存在,只是 還沒理解... 不多不少...作工 36小時,外加奉獻... 還了... ------------------------------------------------...

2022-12-12 01:08:40

◆ 謝謝妳~ 匹老師! ◆

221211a1 221211a2 ◆ 謝謝妳~ 匹老師! ◆ 十二月的第二個主日==>普世聖經紀念日. 人人都能有聖經,都能讀到聖經。 -----------------------------------------------------------------...

2022-12-11 02:24:46

◆ 《世界人權宣言》 繪本 ◆

221210a1 221210a2 221210a3 221210a4 221210a5 ◆ 《世界人權宣言》 繪本 ◆ ====================================== ◆ Universal Declaration of Human Rights! ◆ ...

2022-12-10 01:13:37

◆ 冬天裡的熱量增強! ◆

221209a1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221209a2 ◆ 冬天裡的熱量增強! ◆ ====================================== ◆ Winter ...

2022-12-09 01:03:16

◆ 遠方有多遠! ◆

221208a1 ◆ 遠方有多遠! ◆ ====================================== ◆ How far away! ◆ Move to the city where you know no one. Where no one knows you! Nobody knows what I am going ...

2022-12-07 23:58:20

◆ 無邊絲雨細如愁! ◆

◆ 無邊絲雨細如愁! ◆ ================================ ◆ The rainy day! ◆ The boundless rain is as fine as sorrow! ======================================

2022-12-06 23:26:09

◆ 麻花辮的心靈地圖~ 邁向老郎之路! ◆

mahapn221206a1 ◆ 麻花辮的心靈地圖~ 邁向老郎之路! ◆ ====================================== ◆ Shang's Spiritual Painting~ Old owl! ◆ Is it still capable of hunting & survivability?...

2022-12-06 00:58:18

◆ 麻花辮的心靈地圖~ 放手! ◆

mahapn221205a1 ◆ 麻花辮的心靈地圖~ 放手! ◆ ====================================== ◆ Shang's Spiritual Painting~ Let It Pass! ◆ Forget it! ====================================...

2022-12-04 22:05:17

300-247◆ 我們又勇敢的出發了! ◆

mahapn221204a1 300-247◆ 我們又勇敢的出發了! ◆ 所以,你們不可丟棄勇敢的心; 存這樣的心必得大賞賜。 (希伯來書10:35) ====================================== 300-247◆ Advance bravely! ◆...

2022-12-04 00:20:16

◆ 麻花辮的心靈地圖~ 上帝當導遊! ◆

mahapn221203a1 ◆ 麻花辮的心靈地圖~ 上帝當導遊! ◆ ====================================== ◆ Shang's Spiritual Painting~ Let God be your tour guide! ◆ God will guide your steps! Gi...

2022-12-03 01:41:39

◆ 乘風破浪~ 吃綠豆! ◆

221202a1 221202a2 ◆ 乘風破浪~ 吃綠豆! ◆ ====================================== ◆ Ride the Wind~ Eat green beans! ◆ ======================================

2022-12-02 00:12:23

◆ 麻花辮的心靈地圖~ 行動是能量! ◆

mahapn221201a1 ◆ 麻花辮的心靈地圖~ 行動是能量! ◆ 你的手常常知道,如何解出 頭腦白費力氣 苦苦對付的難題 ---榮格 ====================================== ◆ Shang's Spiritual Painting~ Actio...

2022-12-01 03:57:58

◆ 麻花辮的心靈地圖~ 方向! ◆

mahapn221130a1 ◆ 麻花辮的心靈地圖~ 方向! ◆ ====================================== ◆ Shang's Spiritual Painting~ Direction! ◆ Don't look back! Don't worry! =================...

2022-11-30 01:33:41

◆ The Art of Emotional-- God's Sheep Hear His Voice! ◆

◆ The Art of Emotional-- God's Sheep Hear His Voice! ◆ 我是好牧人;我認識我的羊,我的羊也認識我, (約翰福音10:14) 我的羊聽我的聲音,我也認識他們,他們也跟著我。 (約翰福音10:27) 你們從前...

2022-11-29 02:53:59

◆ 遠方的可能性! ◆

221128a1 221128a2 221128a3 221128a4 221128a5 ◆ 遠方的可能性! ◆ ====================================== ◆ Far away & Maybe! ◆ ========================...

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