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2017-01-03 04:11:28
2017-01-02 02:12:20

◆ 2017-01-01~ Moon、Star & Bicycle ◆

170101a1.JPG170101a2.JPG◆ 2017-01-01~ Moon、Star & Bicycle ◆Take a deep breath & start a new 2017 life.

2017-01-01 01:53:13
2016-12-31 23:32:21

◆ 2016~ Goodbye & 2017~Happy New Year ◆

161231a1.JPG161231a2.JPG161231a3.JPG161231a4.JPG161231a5.JPG◆ 2016~ Goodbye & 2017~Happy New Year ◆Health & Happy...Wealth & wisdom...Peace & Prosperity...Glee & Glow...Love &...

2016-12-30 23:42:09

◆ 麻花辮畫女人--一年又一年的女人 ◆

mahapn161230a1.JPG◆ 麻花辮畫女人--一年又一年的女人 ◆搭車時,又遇到上回有著"娃娃裝的老婆婆"。雖然年紀大了走路也很慢,每一回看到她都是精心的打扮,從背後看著,不太像是老婆婆。(走的很慢就是了)之前看她穿...

2016-12-29 00:55:58

◆ 我愛妙妙妙~ You're not worth my time ◆

mahapn161229a.JPG◆ 我愛妙妙妙~ You're not worth my time ◆Some sort of things are not so importantbut kind of annoying.

2016-12-28 03:10:50

◆ 新月曆--人生一定過得去! ◆

161228a1.JPG161228a2.JPG161228a3.JPG◆ 新月曆--人生一定過得去! ◆為新的一年添新月曆,又一年了!已在倒數計時!月曆一年一年都換新的,東西舊了、壞了!也必須換新的。只有人...是舊的,而且一年比一年舊。^^月...

2016-12-27 00:20:18

◆ 我愛妙妙妙~ 一顆心給自己! ◆

mahapn161227a1.JPG◆ 我愛妙妙妙~ 一顆心給自己! ◆貓咪不想牽掛他人,也不想別人掛心!所以,自己為自己掛一顆...一顆照顧自己的心!----------------------------------------------看見別人脫序、秀斗...的行為...

2016-12-26 00:37:16

◆ Best wishes to everyone ◆

161226.JPG◆ Best wishes to everyone ◆Time is fast, so enjoy every moment as it come.

2016-12-25 14:16:34

◆ Church--Silent Night ◆

161224aa1.JPG161224aa2.JPG161224aa3.JPG161224aa4.JPG161224aa5.JPG161224aa6.JPG◆ Church--Silent Night ◆stage play、gospel music、blessing、prayer...==============================================◆ Si...

2016-12-24 00:47:00

◆ 我愛妙妙妙~ Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! ◆

mahapn161223a1.JPG◆ 我愛妙妙妙~ Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! ◆The smile card for wishing everybodyMerry Christmas & Happy New Year!May you keep the magic of Christmas in your heart &a...

2016-12-23 01:29:12

◆ 聖誕快樂--A Christmas Card for you! ◆

161223aa1.JPG◆ A Christmas Card for you! ◆A special card with true meaning of Christmas & warm wishes for your loved ones.

2016-12-22 01:18:50

◆ 冬至--紫米芝麻湯圓 & 紅棗酒 ◆


2016-12-21 00:19:03

◆ 麻花辮的心靈地圖~ God loves me no matter what ◆

◆ 麻花辮的心靈地圖~ God loves me no matter what ◆Don't give up because GOD's LOVE & GLORY is always there.-----------------------------------------------------------耶穌卻叫他們來,說:「讓小孩子...

2016-12-20 00:18:32

◆ 聖誕快樂-- May Love、Peace & Joy be your Happy Christmas ◆

mahapn161220a1.JPG◆ 聖誕快樂-- May Love、Peace & Joy be your Happy Christmas ◆Hope Your Christmas Is A Perfect Fun And Laughter Merry Christmas.

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