★ 2008年七月攝於Rotorua的王家牧場(Farmhouse)
七月中旬,也就是Term 2學校假期,終於收到GC寄來的期中報告。總計有八個科目,分別是英文English,數學Mathematics,科學Science,Technology工藝,Social Study社會科學,PE體育(以上六科是必修),日文Japanese及戲劇Drama(這兩科是選修-這學期O少已改上音樂Music和經濟Economy)。這八項學科最重要的就屬前三項,以下是O少這三個科目的成績及評語。
Subject: English
Course Work & Self Management:
Achievement - Excellent
Effort - Excellent
Behaviour - Excellent
Homework - Excellent
Assessments & Results
Close Reading(Test) -- Achieved
Literature(Test) -- Achieved
Writing -- Achieved with Excellence
Oral assessment -- Achieved with Merit
Literature Essays -- Not Achieved
< Comment >:
Oliver is progressing well in English. He is now attentive to instructions and is trying his best. However, he could improve his close reading grades by practising on prose and poetry texts.
Subject: Mathematics
Course Work & Self Management
Achievement - Very Good
Effort - Excellent
Behaviour - Excellent
Homework - Excellent
Assessments & Results
Number: Computation with whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages -- Achieved with Excellence
Geometry: Exploring space and shape through angles and transformations -- Achieved with Merit
Statistics: Display of data and interpretation of graphs and tables -- Achieved with Merit
Probability: Introduction to concepts of probability and construction of tree diagrams -- Achieved with Excellence
< Comment >:
Oliver has worked steadily in class and shown a sound understanding of the concepts covered. He has been organized in the presentation of his work and homework. He has been a friendly and cooperative student and has worked well in group activities.
Subject: Science
Course Work & Self Management
Achievement - Very Good
Effort - Excellent
Behaviour - Excellent
Homework - Excellent
Assessments & Results
Building Blocks of Life -- Achieved with Excellence
Plants as food factories -- Achieved with Merit
Light and Sight -- Achieved with Merit
< Comment >:
Oliver is a conscientious student who always works well in class. He takes pride in his written work and responds well to feedback. His hard work has yet to be paid of in test situation. However, I am confident with perseverance he will reach his full potential.
收到成績報告的那天上午約十點,Damon就已經打電話給O少問些事情,順便炫耀一下他的成績(Damon說英文和科學都拿E,但壓根沒提數學)。當時O少還沒收到報告,再加上我們太了解Damon和他媽的個性,所以沒有隨之起舞。下午看到報告後,我對O少這次的成績還算滿意。至少數學和科學都達到我的要求-Merit。其實他的Science可以更好,光看老師的評語就知道他沒有盡全力,所以老師才給他Merit而不是Excellence。不過看到English的Literature Essays那項拿到Not Achieved心裡還是怪怪的。雖然事先知道問題是出在他那篇英詩賞析(O少為此吃盡苦頭),等於已打過預防針,但總覺得還是需要和英文老師瀑布女士再溝通,以便了解O少在那方面需要加強及改進。所以我跟O少說我需要安排時間和瀑布女士晤談(Parent Teacher Interview),O少一聽,面有難色,他說成績單上沒註明他必須去<註一>,而且他自己覺得沒什麼問題,認為沒有必要去。我告訴O少,我只想了解他目前的學習是否遇到瓶頸,如何改善和未來努力的方向。我還強調我只要求這一科目,因為其他科目如日文、social study等O少的成績剛好過關(就是拿到Achieved,少數拿到Merit),但因為不是很重要,所以我沒有很挑剔。O少知道他老媽我的”暴君”個性,一旦我決定的事,想要改變很難,只好摸著鼻子,乖乖地答應我,一開學就會和瀑布女士敲時間。