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★ School 文章數:14
[edit] Only had chinese and english which we did really lame stuff in THANKS MR DONAHUE, I’LL MISS YOU LOAD... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-06-28 00:15:11 | 回應:1
Me and darling Franz :D Yesterday was pretty cool We lost all the debates tho -.- In Art and Lunch, Judy,... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-06-26 23:41:04 | 回應:1
Helped Nick with his Chinese yesterday night, haha was quite fun :D More fun than the Chinese homework I get,... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-06-24 23:02:05 | 回應:2
Hehe G7SZ did that last year for International Day :D Hahaha we rocked so bad ^^ Yesterday was okay I gues... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-06-12 21:54:47 | 回應:1
Hahaha I remember this pic ^^ Got back Science test papers I swear my grade sucked like hell. Anyways Mr ... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-06-10 21:53:46 | 回應:4
Todays lessons were pretty okay, just that I realise we’re on the computer most of the time this week. Well... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-06-06 19:36:24 | 回應:2
From Ah Fun jiejie’s wedding :D Ming Arcade hahahaha And I remember the stupid high heels that broke -.- A... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-06-03 22:33:55 | 回應:2
Hahaha I drew that in Chinese class :D Lohjun says I’ll get skin cancer -.- Mm Slacked in ICT today ha... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-06-02 21:12:25 | 回應:4
Yesterday had Hist and Geog paper Um, hist was okay Geog was kinda’ screwed -.- I didn’t finish it agai... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-05-29 18:44:47 | 回應:5
-Our wonderfully tattoo-ed arms ^^- Today was so much better than yesterday, haha! Woke up late again to... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-05-27 17:42:45 | 回應:4
Yesterdayyyyy: Woke up at like 8.20 for piano ’Cos piano was at 9. At 9.10, teacher still wasn’t here yet... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-05-26 19:54:13 | 回應:1
星期六 去打水丈 好玩!! 后来整个就湿透了 星期天 去Decathlon 买了好多^^ 昨天还可以啦.. Angela 和Judy... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-05-20 10:45:21 | 回應:2
今天做的 :D 哈哈星期二晚上做的 地球是我画的耶! :D 星期二 那一天还真够倒霉的 小手指dislocated了 == 痛... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-05-15 22:16:47 | 回應:2
好累哦 星期天晚上因为赶功课所以0350才睡 幸好有Judy跟我一起赶 昨天還可以啦 只是很累很累而已 回家后又得上钢琴... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-05-06 19:47:06 | 回應:4
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