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150827 herworldsingapore Instagram 更新Jessica

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How's your #Thursday folks? We are just hanging out with Jessica and her brand new label Blanc & Eclare; now available at Surrender store. Watch out for our interview with her on www.herworldplus.com @jessica.syj #blancneclare #salonbysurrender #JessicaJung

來源:herworldsingapore https://instagram.com/p/64NSi5FpyR/?taken-by=herworldsingapore

台長: 李奕
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全站分類: 偶像後援(藝人、後援會) | 個人分類: ♥Jessica♥IG,微博,Snapchat |
此分類下一篇:150827 elektrikg Instagram 更新和Jessica的合照
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