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2015-08-27 16:41:45| 人氣1,043| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

150827 lofficielsingapore Instagram 更新Jessica

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Fan boys and girls, get ready to freak out because @jessica.syj is here! #jessicajung #blancgroup #salonbysurrender #surrenderstore

來源:lofficielsingapore https://instagram.com/p/64QKLBCsLN/?taken-by=lofficielsingapore

Jessica's in town to launch her line BLANC&ECLARE, sold exclusively at @surrenderstore. She tells us that her favourite denims from her collection are the Manhattans. #jessicajung #surrenderstore #salonbysurrender #blancgroup

來源:lofficielsingapore https://instagram.com/p/64RMZEisMH/?taken-by=lofficielsingapore

@jessica.syj showing us pieces from the collection. It's all about the essential basics. You can check it out soon as the collection drops today at @surrenderstore. #salonbysurrender #surrenderstore #jessicajung #blancgroup

來源:lofficielsingapore https://instagram.com/p/64R5e4isM6/?taken-by=lofficielsingapore

台長: 李奕
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全站分類: 偶像後援(藝人、後援會) | 個人分類: ♥Jessica♥IG,微博,Snapchat |
此分類下一篇:150827 herworldsingapore Instagram 更新Jessica
此分類上一篇:150826 Jessica Instagram 更新[集中]

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