24h購物| | PChome| 登入
2010-12-22 01:56:52
2010-07-06 19:14:27
2010-06-29 18:15:53
2010-03-14 14:45:42


吼!偷懶一個禮拜了= =現在要開始趕作業!!媽呀= =我會被罵死= =什麼爛報告嘛吼還五頁嘞 = =他最好有時間可以看= =

2010-02-02 20:42:15


2010-01-26 20:40:20


It's easier not to say anything. shut your trap, button you lip, can it.All that crap you hear on TV about communicationand expressing feelings is a lie.Nobody really wants to hear what you have to sa...

2010-01-16 16:03:13
2010-01-07 21:29:20
2010-01-07 21:01:31
2010-01-06 16:47:42
2010-01-05 19:07:29
2010-01-05 16:38:36
2010-01-04 16:46:41
2010-01-02 16:55:07
2009-12-31 19:44:44
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