以下分享BLearning & the Brains 2012研討會文章中看到的段落:(Larry D. Rosen)
Recently a parent asked me why we shouldn't remove all technological distractions from the student's environment and only allow them to access the Internet, text messages, etc., when they completed studying. My comment is that is, to me, like closing the barn door after the horses have all escaped and are prancing all over the fields. We gave our students a host of wonderful technologies and made them all portable and all individualizable. We outfitted them with sounds and multimedia displays and customized them so that they would never miss an e-mail, text message, phone call or anything. We created a generation of learners who task switch every few minutes and do so because they are enticed by interruptive technologies. It is too late to change any of that and it is harmful to the relationships within the family to simply remove technologies from our children's study environments.
The answer lies in teaching a new media literacy skill - metacognition.
(最好的辦法是-教孩子new media literacy--後設認知。)
As parents we need to schedule technology-free meals and family time where we practice what we preach and don't bring our phones to the kitchen table and turn off the TV during dinner. We need to have family outings where technology is not constantly taking our attention away from the family.
(家長需安排無科技的家庭時間, 專心與孩子相處。)