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2009-02-06 22:46:52| 人氣446| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Crash - Pony Ride

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來自芬蘭的The Crash

Enjoy his BEAUTIFUL voice! HAHA :D


In a dream I was
on a Pony ride with you
You confessed your love
as the lovely night turned blue
Hey baby, I la-laa-la-love you too
Hey baby, Ooh honey, hey sugar
Level with me
Do you see a guy like me
and a girl like you
shagging by the fire,
on a honeymoon?
Because that could be reality
to you and me
If you just get what I've got
Baby that could be reality, eternally
If you just get what I've got
and that is a Frickin' lot
Baby take me out
for a pony ride with you
And then later on
I will get your name tattooed
Hey baby,
Oh la-laa-la-laa so sweet
Hey baby, ooh honey, hey sugar
I mean, seriously
Do you see a guy like me
and a girld like you
Shagging by the fire,
on a honeymoon?
Because that could be reality
to you and me
If you just get what I've got
Baby that could be reality, eternally
If you just get what I've got
and that is a frickin' lot
Take me home
'cause I like you
Tell me do you see a guy like me
and a girl like you
Shagging by the fire,
on a honeymoon?
Because that could be reality
to you and me
If you just get what I've got
Baby that could be reality
What I'm sayin' is:
I really like you a lot

台長: 柳橙XD
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