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2010-03-15 19:53:26| 人氣775| 回應9 | 下一篇

My first post!!

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Ello! it was like snowing on sunday. n then i took some photos

This is like the construction site behind my dorm dunno wat this is but its like snowing soo heavy

This is like so called libary where they dont hv any books yet n its used for study hall

This is like on sunday its snowing soo heavy here!!

This guy's carving RUSSIA on the table

Mr Mao 

This is my dorm entering place really small 


Today morning assembly a bunch of little kids said they're gonna have a magic club, n they were like some daily life magic, sounds stupid

The ground is like soo slippery, i woke up n realized that i was late for assembly but then when I arrived I saw this!!!! SOOO LUCKY!!!! I even had time to go have breakfast!

台長: roger
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your dorm look exactly like a hotel lmaoo
btw you should crash their magic club :D
2010-03-15 20:05:59
lol u blog now
i want the damn snow looks so fun
yeah go crush their magic club like wat christy said, ur getting rusty
i want ur fucking hotel room who cares if its small. i want freedom and privacy
2010-03-15 20:09:01

i miss you

2010-03-15 20:10:29
your school looks nice good for you:)
逃離了上中 恭喜你~
i want a snow fight:((((

i missssss youuuuuuuuuu:(
you better misssssss me toooooooo!
fly back and visist!!!
2010-03-15 20:11:01
my lovely dick :D
ur using pchome
just saw u today so no comment :)))
2010-03-15 20:20:36
omg yay roger yay;
yay you're back to blogging:)
andddddd i love the snow;

your dorm looks like a hotel, as mentioned by a few above.
GOODLUCK, all the best,
hope to see you soon!
2010-03-15 20:38:44
我都不知道你走了 我以爲你還沒有那麽快去北京 然後現在看到你的blog才知道你走了:((((
你都沒有和我說你走 都沒有和你見面:((
anyway i miss youuuu 在北京要好好的
come back to shanghai soooon:))
2010-03-15 20:40:23
wow all in chinese!
anyways, cool pictures. i saw you taking other pictures too! you should just post all of them. btw, you dorm isnt as nice as what i think. looks so old and creepy. and i know why max likes it. "freedom and privacy" with amy. ha ha ha ha. P: ehh actually if there's like tons of hawt guys in your school i dont mind dorming there. seems good for you in THIS but i know you're lonely. just try adapting to it and i guess you'll do great then. and i dont like your school initials. i have to always use caps when i type it. "what is the name of your school?" "my school's this" "this..?" lmao. okay i wrote too much here. miss you roger. i will skype with you on weekends. :)
2010-03-15 20:56:30
huh?? how do u know that I hv more photos??!! its pretty old were moving to a new dorm like in april. well i wont be here dorming by april. mox will hv freedom to umm nvm lol. like wat i told mox, there r no hot guys in my skool. thank u for replying brenna!!!
2010-03-15 21:00:31

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