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2009-03-16 12:22:10


Over and over, I desired his entry into my lust, my empty soul, and perhaps my faint hope that when that day finally came, I was able to tell him that I truly cared about him, that he was not just a s...

2009-02-14 16:25:18


He said he wanted to see me.. my beautiful Becker, came in the dark of the night.. I want so much just to hold him forever, and kiss him for as long as live. Ifeel so happy and complete next to thi...

2009-02-05 13:58:47

The beginning of Paradise

He came through the dark, with his pale face half hidden behind his beautiful black hair, so unbridled that I thought I could almost feel his wild soul.. We went to the park to fix the strings on the ...

2009-01-31 23:23:14


愛情.. 終於了解到.. 不是隨處可得.. 就算人對了.. 時間錯了.. 還是無法維持.. 愛情是需要經營的.. 最重要的, 是要夠愛對方.. 雖然有時候愛, 並不能維持一段感情.. 現實也是需要面...

2009-01-31 00:55:57


對不起.. 我傷害了你.. 也許我想解脫.. 這一切對我而言.. 太過疲累.. 旁人當然不懂.. 他們都認為, 我脾氣不好.. 是因為我曾如此深愛過你.. 愛到放棄自己.. 所以, 當我看不到未來.....

2009-01-30 17:59:31


昨晚.. 我想了好久.. 究竟, 我是不是出了問題? 也許, 我沒有問題.. 只是, 我早就對於生活, 還有愛情, 麻痺至極.. 是他帶領我進入你的世界, 而我卻發現.. 曾幾何時, 突然很需要看...

2009-01-16 19:20:47

離別 是永別的開始

我住院了..而來看我的人..並不是你. 我想這種結局,是我要承擔了.. 無所謂..也許, 一切都結束了. 

2009-01-08 09:45:16



2008-12-19 16:50:08


答應自己 不要到2009還想你。 這樣不好也不對,應該要給別的男人機會。也不能再為圓臉做牛做馬,這樣他也不會走,只會老跟著我,然後害我正緣都都跑走了。

2008-12-10 12:05:33


You are dark, unpredictable, and a true villain. You are all that I ever wanted in a man, to the point of obsession. Only you can live out my darkest fantasies, and resort to the fallen paradise of ...

2008-04-21 22:40:05


好累. 這幾天都在做音樂.. 跟著親愛的他.. 老實說, 我真的很愛他.. ㄧ般人無法瞭解.. 他給了我夢想.. 但是好難呀.. 為了他.. 放棄可能的所有.. 心中的裂痕.. 卻愈來愈大.. 我必...

2008-03-30 18:12:47


今天, 無意中, 他找到了, 你們以前同上電視的影片. 我想, 我突然明白, 為什麼我會出現.. 怪我的意念吧, 在輪迴之中, 我太晚來到, 重新轉世另外一端.. 而我, 卻看到比日出更美的臉龐, 比黑夜更濃厚...

2008-03-28 05:18:35

Naked truth

Some desires..cannot be spoken. Especially, for a girl like me. I was brought up in a semi-conservative family, With a normal father and a somewhat hysterial but loving mother. I fell in love fo...

2008-03-28 01:52:02


好安靜的夜晚. 聽著, 他傳給我的歌.. 沒有你, 好像所有事情, 都感到有點無重力. 我知道, 也許這樣最好. 這首歌好輕快, 讓我想起以前, 我們剛認識的時候, 不也這樣不設防的進入, 無底的深淵? ㄧ言...

2008-03-23 23:55:32


如果有一天, 我不再跟你說話.. 請諒解我.. 那不會使我生命更快樂, 反而是很痛苦.. 但是, 在我自私的認知, 這樣比較好.. 因為太想跟你講話, 因為太思念, 因為太多, 我已經沒有辦法平衡.. 快要窒息了....

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