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2008-08-14 11:37:15| 人氣309| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I’m just so sick of this whole human rights thing. Why don’t ppl find better things to do in their lives. Some people are so ignorant and have no idea what’s China like today and they should take a trip themselves there and to see... Plus they don’t really understand the history with Tibet and what really happened there!

What does the Tibet issue have anything to do with the Olympics. The western media is corrupt and they just need a way to make money
btw. if you don’t know what Tibet is and you’re criticizing China or the Olympics, you have just proven that you are entirely incompetent on this issue and thus should shut up about this issue once and for all. Seriously, don’t embarrass yourselves.

China has greatly improved Tibet. Without China, Tibet would still have a feudal serf system. That’s does not exactly go hand in hand with ”human rights” does it? Sometimes people don’t appreciate the things given to them. The Chinese government has done much to improve Tibet’s environment and economy. If you haven’t heard, the rioters’ flames caused the worse pollution in Tibet in many years. Although Tibet is one of China’s poorest areas, economic progress is evident throughout the plateau. So to sum it up, Tibet is and will remain a part of China, for the benefit of both.

To hold China to the same standards as the States or Canada is not logical. The countries have incredibly different histories and are at different stages of development. Hosting the Olympic Games will only help China to become an even better country that it already is. Every nation violates human rights and those who waste their energy critizing the east need to address the injustices in their own towns, cities and countries before they pass judgement on what country is ”good” enough to host a sports event.

the West has definitely fucked up this time. Western ”quality” used to mean something. Or at least they brainwashed you to think that it actually meant something. In meddling with other people’s affairs it is only natural that sooner or later it will backfire. They don’t even gain that much from the Tibet thing. Now these ”True Voices of the Free World” is losing their most important asset: Credibility. What a shame. So mani ppl just depend on CNN and BBC for the latest news. Now they are just another shit network broadcasting Western Propaganda. Now I may need to turn to Al Jazeera or something like that >:[


REINE s like >:[ right now~

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. 末子央
yeah ,

china · oil!
2008-08-16 19:38:02
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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