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It was you - 椎名林檎

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作詞:Burt Bacharach Tonio K
作曲:Burt Bacharach Tonio K

You, you were the one 你,你曾是那個
That I remember 我記得的
It was you 這是你
And,  I loved you true 而且,我曾真切的愛著你
And though you've gone away 而且雖然你已經離我遠去
In my heart I'll always be with 在我心中我一直是陪伴著
You,  so you should know 你,所以你應該知道
Although it's over 儘管這一切已結束了
It's still you 這還是你
Here,  here in my heart 在這邊,我心深處
You'll be a part of me 你將是我的一部分
Part of me will always be with you...我的一部分將永遠伴隨著你

No guarantees in life 生命沒有保障
Sometimes,  love just  goes wrong 有時,愛不盡人意
But that's ok,  either way it's worth it 但那也無妨,不管怎樣那是值得的
Love's still,  my favorite song 愛仍然,是我最愛的歌曲
And in the end,  if the angels ask me 而在最後,如果天使尋問我
To tell them what love is 去告訴祂們什麼是愛
I'll say it was you... 我將會說那就是你...

No guarantees in life 生命沒有保障
Sometimes,  love just  goes wrong 有時,愛不盡人意
But that's ok, either way it's worth it 但那也無妨,不管怎樣那是值得的
Love's still,  my favorite song 愛仍然,是我最愛的歌曲
And in the end,  if the angels ask me 而在最後,如果天使尋問我
To tell them what love is 去告訴祂們什麼是愛
I'll say it was you... 我將會說那就是你...

So you should know 所以你應該明白
Although it's over 儘管這一切都結束了
It's still you 這仍然是你
Here,  here in my heart 這裡,我內心深處
You'll be a part of me 你將是我的一部分
Part of me will always be with you... 我的一部分將永遠伴隨著你
And you should know 而且你應該知道
Although you've gone 'way 儘管你已遠去
It's still you 這仍然是你
Here,  here in my heart 這裡,我內心深處
Is where you'll always be 是那你永遠存在的地方
Part of me will always be with you... 我的一部分將永遠伴隨著你


台長: 月泱
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