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2007-10-14 23:48:15| 人氣6,200| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Ein Altes Hausmittel 一個讓銀餐具恢復的小偏方

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I want to introduce the way to make our silver spoones to recover shining again!!
今天我要分享一個如果妳的銀器具變黑時, 讓它恢復的德國小偏方
The story started I had missplaced 1 spoon, the balck one in left end, in chilly sause for several days in fridge. Then, it came really dark. Of course, I put in the rubish cann & Peter had seen. He said why you put my old granmother’s silver tea spoon to rubish & he saw it’s so black, then he said we must ask his mother, Dagmar when we are visiting them.
故事是在有一次不小心, 將湯匙(上圖最左)留在李錦記蒜蓉辣醬, 放在冰箱幾天, 結果發現時, 整個湯匙都是黑色, 洗不亮, 當然我就丟到垃圾桶, 結果被 Peter 發現, 他大叫怎麼我把他祖母的銀湯匙就這樣丟掉, 他看一看說, 這麼黑, 那妳應該問我媽, 有偏方的!!!
It’s old German grandmother way, however it’s very easy, & you could very easily do it as well. 1st, you need to prepare a Alumin folio & a water container.
在我們拜訪 Peter 父母時, 當然婆婆 Dagmar 即刻授課, 這方法真得又簡單, 又不錯讓大家參考一下!!
Use alumin folio wrapped the container, then put ’warm’ water & some salt.
首先, 準備一個鋁薄紙, 一個水盛器(or 臉盆), 鹽巴, 溫水!!
先將盛水器具用鋁薄紙包起來, 盛”溫水”, 然後灑一點鹽巴!!
Put the silver spoons in, & wait!! 將銀器放進去!!
5 mins latter, some spoons which are not too black had become very shining. 5 分鐘候, 一些比較不嚴重的已經很亮!! 先將亮的撈起, 用洗碗精再洗一次, 而後擦乾!! 較嚴重的紀續放, 必然時, 用手在鹽水中搓黑的部份!!
40 mins latter, all spoons are looking very good again.
It’s very simple, you only need to put the darken silver things to warm salty water which wrapped with Alumin folio, then you have your silver back. You might also try to put your necklace and so on. The only thing is after allthese process, the water smelled really bad as AMONIA. Some chemical reaction!! Hope this information is very usefull for you!!
約 40 分鐘, 加上搓洗, 所有銀器恢復原狀如上圖.有幾件是請大家注意;
1. 這種 Alumi + 溫水 + 鹽巴, 洗銀後, 水有起化學變化, 很臭好像阿摩尼亞的味道, 這就是為什麼藉時還要用洗碗精再洗一次!!
2. 德國一般的水質很硬(礦物質多), 我不曉在台灣的水可有一樣的效果!! 若不好可買瓶礦泉水試試看!!

台長: Rachel
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬) | 個人分類: 史家的小故事 |
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2007-10-17 05:19:42
Shian, 謝謝妳的留言, 也去妳的網站串門子!! 希望這小偏方對妳有益, 更希望有機會可有繪畫這方面訊息的交流!!!.... Rachel
2007-10-17 23:30:16
2007-10-19 22:54:19
啊!學到個好方法 Thank you!
By the way, 妳的這組銀湯匙好精緻漂亮耶!
2007-10-20 00:14:16
這銀小匙是老骨董, 一開始覺得超難用, 很會導熱, 又黑黑, 看起來不乾淨, 真想偷偷丟掉, 後來才知是銀器!! 用婆婆教的方法清洗後, 覺得挺管用, 應該也可用在銀項鍊, 不過若真得很髒, 還是要搓!! 希望真方法對妳有幫助!! Rachel
2007-10-22 20:17:20
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