一週的放在家裡 跟第四週的一起補吧(第四週的還沒看)
但是突然有還是追的上的感覺了:") 感謝主 我們都要加油喔
還有...社團評鑑: ) 然後追讀經進度囉!!!
Though this week I spent lots of time reading, especially Winthrop’s “A Model of Christina Charity”, I found it fascinating and exciting. Though I found out in the end that the most important part from the literature perspective may be the last paragraph, which is about the “city on the hill”, I still enjoy the process of finishing reading the whole article. And it is all because that I am a Christian myself. And I’ve start reading English version from Genesis again this semester, so all the characters mentioned, even some more unfamiliar people like Lot, are just like a review for me. And the teachings are familiar too. Despite the only thing is that he mentions that God loves human because he found something in common in us, and we also love others because we have “resemblance”. But I think it is no big deal in accepting or reading through the statement. I’m glad that though I find myself quite a new guest in the English Department class, I can read something so familiar in the second week. It does somehow enhance my self-confidence. And like the Pilgrims who mention God all the time, I would like to thank God for it!
It is very fascinating to see how passionate the Puritans pursue their ideal kingdom. I do can guess what a strong motivation to go through all the hardship once they are convinced that they are the new Israeli, waiting to go to the promise land. What joy they must have and what perseverance they must possess. It reminds me of the description of David for the returning to the promise land (which is more accurately, the land God has a covenant with the people), “Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy” (Psalm: 126:2). I somehow can feel their joy and therefore read with a happy and thankful heart.
However, I also feel somehow ironic that the description of both Bradford and Winthrop appears to be so “superstitious” in today’s society. Seeing “God” mentioned everywhere with such a humble or majestic tone make me feel like I was reading stories in the Bible. But it isn’t. My first thought on the realization of this is—how awkward. How can these “God” stuff possibly be included in my textbook? I even can imagine how people in this generation would laugh at them. But this is also what I believe in, doesn’t I? And if I have a choice, would I write down my belief with such courage and faith?
There’s wealth enough, I need no more, Farewell, my pelf, farewell my store. The world no longer let me love, my hope and treasure lies above. (p.110) Such is my Lord, and more. But what strange thing am I become? Sin rusts my Lock all o’er… Unkey my Heart; unlock Thy Wardrobe: bring out royal Robes: adorn my Soul, Lord…(p.138) |
America Literature Reflection Week 3
First I want to shout out that OH~I LOVE THESE POEMS OF PRAYER!! It’s like reading some Christian books in my leisure time. But oh, it is not. It is for the American literature class. What a lovely reading burden; that I do pray that will last forever. (What? Maybe I need to be back to my reason again~ ha! But I guess the religious part will become less and less as the class move on. See, we are reading the Enlightenment this week.) The poems and the faith or way of thinking is all familiar to me; many of them I can even point out the original scripture from the Bible. I wonder why we don’t have song with these beautiful poems as lyrics. Besides, they have rhyme!! Amazing!!! Well, actually, to be frank, I haven’t read any English poems before (I am taking the introduction to Literature in junior year also, but we have just move from the short stories to the dramas. The poems are like put at the last genre). Maybe that’s why I am so excited upon reading these wonderful prayers.
Second, I want to sing out that OH~I LOVE DICTIONARIES! I love dictionaries made by missionaries especially. To go to an aboriginal group, understand their language, and organize it into a dictionary. Start schools and teach them Bible and other knowledge. To tell you a secret, this is even one of my most impossible dreams actually. I love Roger Williams. Though his dictionary may seem a little more like translation than linguistic analysis, but I think he is a good missionary and a good pioneer linguistic. For the first part, I think he is a good missionary (Christian also, without a doubt) because he keep the balance between respect the natives as human and respect his call from God as a missionary. Respecting the native’s culture, he writes down their attitude toward religion and some culture. He describes it objectively without judgment like barbarian or unbelievers. Respecting his calling from God, he actually spends so much effort to work on the dictionary (at least writing down all these characters must be in no way an easy job). For the second part, he still makes a good record on the foreign language. As I read through the line, I can even discover something I learned in Linguistic. Like present progressive tense, “He is praying (Peeyauntam)” and “they are praying (Peeyauntamwock)”, we can see that the plural add a “wock” in the end. It’s very interesting and accurate—maybe can be used as exercise.
英語輔系經驗分享 教育三甲張詠惠
而覺得自己英文能力想再加強的學弟妹們,其實英語系的課,就是用英文的課本、用英文上課、用英文打作業、用英文報告;其實我個人認為仍是比較著重在讀和聽的部分,老師不會太care grammar(至少我的經驗啦,除了寫作課,況且老師對輔系學生不會太嚴格),而口說更少,除了會話課就是要一直講之外,大概一學期的一兩次的小組報告,還有課堂偶而被老師點到發言(但也要提醒,像這學期上英語系的課,有些老師真的蠻強調學生的發言的;而且要看班級,有些班級真的發言踴躍),因此如果是希望為出國練英文預備,我反而個人會覺得可以念學程(比較強調應用啦),畢竟英語輔系還有一半以上的必修,是跟語言lingusitic和文學literature有關,包含語音學、語言學概論、文學導論、英國文學(以上都是上下二學分的課喔!)。
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