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今天的主日信息教做與神相親希望無限  主角是亞伯拉罕


他是上帝的朋友所以幸福無限  他是信心之父所以關鍵在信心(我自己的summary



1.      寬容情義、所向無敵(14):though Lot underwent the tragedy due to his lack of respect to Abram; Abram still go to his rescue and win the battle.

2.      得神尊重,榮耀無限(18): ”Then the Lord said, ‘Shall I hide from Abramham what I am about to do?’”  Abraham is God’s friend, and a man whom God respect (it remind me of “尊重我的我必尊重他”)

3.      神做高台、神同在的威嚴與榮耀: to the degree that the Abimelech king of Gerar would be afraid of him and even make a covenant with his son Isaac. “They answered, ‘we saw clearly that the Lord was with you; so we said,’ there ought to be a sworn agreement between us’—between you and me”(Gen. 26:28)

4.      福大恩大,萬國稱羨:”and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.”(Gen. 22:18)  Not only did the blessing come to him and his offspring but to the nation because of him.  In other words, not only we are blessed but we can also become the blessing for people around us.

5.      恩典滿滿、淵遠流長: “praise be to the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, who has not abandoned his kindness and faithfulness to my master” (Gen 24:27) in every aspect of our lives…

6.      靈魂興盛,勇於給予(which is because he has abundant blessings)


I.        ”and without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Heb. 11:6).  The “he exist” is “He is”.  As a result we can declare that yes, he is our shepherd that we shall not want; he is the only and might God; he is our provider and he is our best friend that will never leave us nor forsake us.  And this is what Abraham believes: “…in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they are”(Rom. 5:16).  This is a reason he can give God his son.  And hope this is the faith that we can have.

II.      We can choice to believe.  It is not determined by our childhood experience or our genes or environment.  We take the responsibility for we CAN make a choice: to believe or not to believe.

三、信心逐日高昇之道Abraham is not that perfect.  He is man like us.  However, from Genesis we can see at least five ways of strengthening our faith in him.

I.        祭壇求告神: ”the great tree of Moreh at Shechem” is not only a tree (as I originally guessed) but a place full of idols and worshipping culture.  So God appeared to Abraham to encourage him.  And Abraham do the right thing immediately—he built an alter to the Lord.  And he continues to do so whenever he go afterward.  I was thinking that Lot also went to the land full of sin (though the place Abraham goes is better than Lot’s).  But Lot didn’t build an alter.  Though he “was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard”(2Pet. 2:8), he didn’t build the alter.  Though he invited the right guesses who turn out to be the angel, but he didn’t separate himself from the other people.  Why did he put himself in such a bad situation?  He didn’t teach his daughters good lesson like Abraham teach Isaac and end up led to having incest children… (though he himself was somehow “saved”).  Building an alter is not only to receive God blessings but a way to remind ourselves who we are and a testimony (remember that in the book of Revelation當提到生命真理的道,那是被見證).  Pray first.  For our school, our department, our classroom, our home, our bedroom, our dining room, our church.  No matter is on a bus, in the MRT, in a restaurant or walking outside… May God bless the place we go and give us the peace and good relationships and memory, and etc.

II.      慷慨的給與: ”the Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him…”(Gen. 13:14).  溫柔是可得而寧不得,慷慨的給與或許也算是一種溫柔吧(it is hard to imagine how I wish I become a 溫柔person XD).  Like a song by Chris Tomlin, I want to give like I have plenty, I want to love like I’m not afraid.  I want to be the man I was meant to be, I want to be the way I was made.”  No matter in money, time or some 堅持:”)

III.    照著神說的去做:15章八節亞伯拉罕疑惑了,但是他堅持到底,上帝的意象、安慰扶持激勵就來了!!  Never give up!!

IV.    及時悔改: 割禮是亞伯拉罕雖然有偷笑但悔改相信的記號;我們都有信心軟弱的時候,但不是在乎信心多少,而是在乎有沒有悔改: )

V.      思想神的應許、肯定、寶血的功效:不自我控告、我們的靈有權柄吩咐我們的心”why are you downcast, O my soul”? Why so disturbed within me? Put our hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God”(Psa. 42:11).  讓我們掌控我們的心情而非被我們的心情掌控。Like慧慧姐mentioned, 撒但是謊言之父,很多時後是用負面的情緒,這時要停止這樣的想法,並且積極的讚美神: )不要被自己侷限住了!!!


雖然感覺感冒又嚴重了  手又更痛了

但感謝神又複習了一次信息: )  (而且莫名其妙用英文XD


但我真的很喜歡牧師最後提到不要被自己侷限住  尤其今天司琴超緊張

(太熱+)  甚至還在想這樣可不可以教得勝者

但有想要(期待~還不敢說是感動啦!)  就試試看囉!!

至少進到教室  就先禱告  將結果交給神~

(讀書也是~好需要智慧阿阿阿)  我想這不是利用上帝

而是他本來就喜歡我們去找他講話吧:”)  (好可愛<3)

求主保守我以下讀美國文學的時間  可以讀得懂  有效率



更多親近你  : )  保守其他人在禮拜天下午或是中區在台大杜鵑花節


或是牧長的親近神與休息  大家都可以平安喜樂更愛耶穌: )

Pray in Jesus name, Amen.

台長: 歌詠上帝的恩惠
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