Waiting for the sunrise
Waiting for the day
Waiting for a sign
That I'm where You want me to be
... You know my heart is heavy
And the hurt is deep
But when I feel like giving up
You're reminding me
That we all fall down sometimes
But when I hit the ground...
I know I'm not perfect
I know I make mistakes
I know that I have let you down
But You love me the same
And when I'm surrounded
When I lose my way
When I'm crying out and falling down
You are here to...
You lift me up when I am weak
Your arms wrap around me
Your love catches me
So I'm letting go
You lift me up when I can't see
Your heart is all that I need
Your love carries me
So I'm letting go
(the afters, lift me up)\
或許有些事情本來就很難兩全其美,所以價值的判斷在兩難問題上才有其存在的價值吧: )
已經連續七天都比我預計時間早太多清醒的醒來... 快瘋了!!
Happy Thanksgiving: ) 謝謝你們!!
愛和喜歡 還是不一樣吧
明明知道沒有捷徑的... 高估了自己 還是腳踏實地的寫簡譜慢慢轉吧!!
就在「安靜等候吧」的結語結束了42分鐘的電話... : )
> < 對不起 我應該早點開始練的 我不該只因為心情脆弱拖延那麼久的 陪我度過明天早上10:30-12:00 我就放你一天假如何? 手手要乖乖!!
Sapere Aude!
感謝神 今天彈主日完全沒有痛耶!! 只是我會謹守承諾的放我的手一天假的: ) 就不要爆衝就是了 glad for the lesson
感謝神 為著好美麗的晚霞 就在我的窗前 一幅最美的圖畫 隨時間變化的美麗卡片 : )
如果要選一首歌,就是這一首。第一次帶教案,還有在美國的夜裡帶著耳機思索著,用鍵盤配合著tempo回了一封封的信... 再次謝謝你: ) 未來的每一天 繼續加油吧!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi9ADuMga0A