Tuesday, November 30, 2004
I wonder why my English tutor keeps doing stupid things in the lessons. I can say with certainty that my English MUST become worse under her rubbish instruction. She just repeats words like 'If you're smart, you'd better listen to the instruction.', 'Go to your group efficiently.' and 'Finish your work effectively.' during the lessons. Hey! You know what? These are all bullshit! I can't put up with it anymore. For many times, I really wanna ask what the hell she is doing. She asks all of us to write 300 words for the writing test today. Damn it! We are not 3 year-old children! What's the use in doing this? It wastes our time! She always reminds us that she used to teach in North America every lesson. Gosh! I can't believe it! Her grammar and pronounciation are fucking bad! I don't think she can be a qualified English teacher even in Hong Kong.
I am struggling to do the critical thinking term paper right now. I don't even understand the basic concept of the subject, and I have no idea at all. So I don't know what approach I need to use in the essay. Ha-ha, it seems quite impossible to meet Mr. Yung's requirement. Maybe what I have to do is to "wait to die". 這次一定又「肥佬」(Fail)啦,真歹勢!
Okay! That's all I wanna share with you today. I feel extremely exhausted recently. I need a good sleep indeed. So...don't disturb me! I gotta go!
P.S. 孫伯伯,對不起!我老是在您的課上打瞌睡……其實我也不想這樣的,可是我真的好累好累,每一次都失控地睡著。不行!我一定不可以再睡下去啦!回家才睡嘛。唉,好無奈……嗨喲~~ 我都快瘋啦!(開始語無倫次)有誰可以來救救我啊?算吧!人始終是自私的!「各家自掃門前雪,休管他人瓦上霜」向來是我們中國人的「至理名言」哩,又有誰會願意不問回報的去幫助別人呢?別作夢了!現今的女孩要自強唷!無論遇上多大的困難,也要咬緊牙關撐住!
曲:周杰倫 ║ 詞:劉耕宏
我在陰暗中降落 世界在雨中淹沒
畫面與現實交錯 無法抽離卡在胸口
軀殼如行屍走肉 陷阱漩渦我已受夠
如果 我衝出黑幕籠罩的天空
在狂風之中 嘶吼 作困獸之鬥
我奮力衝破 封閉的思緒
震開裂縫 燃燒的花朵 升空 消失在空中
記憶在剝落 殘留的影響輪廓 潰散在薄霧中