import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
* A bullet to be shot at asteroids.
* The Shot moves to the top of the screen and then expires. If it hits an asteroid
* on the way, it destroys the asteroid, and then expires immediately.
public class Beeper extends Actor
private Rocket myShip;
* Constructor for a Shot. You must specify the ship the shot comes from.
public Beeper(Rocket a)
this.myShip = a;
* Act - do whatever the Shot wants to do. This method is called whenever
* the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
public void act()
int ypos = getY();
if (ypos > 0) {
ypos = ypos - 5;
setLocation(getX(), ypos);
Actor Rock = getOneIntersectingObject(Rock.class);
if (Rock != null) {
// We've hit an asteroid!
else {
// I reached the top of the screen
* This method gets called (from the act method, above) when the shot hits an
* asteroid. It needs to do only one thing: increase the score counter.
* (Everything else, such as removing the asteroid which was hit, is dealt
* with in the act method).
private void hitAnAsteroid()
// What goes here????
// We want to call the "bumpCount" method from the Counter class -
//Counter c=((Space)this.getWorld()).getCounter();
// but how??!!