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Movies 文章數:116
That is what I called ... 很多時候,能夠記述與描摩的東西,與其說是出口,更恰當地,對我來說可能只是一種自戀的畸... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-07-11 00:27:18 | 回應:0
I don’t know when.I don’t know how.I don’t know why.To suicide the lie.Withthe darkest fight.Carrythe brigh... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-07-09 00:49:36 | 回應:0
Life is all about keep and let go.可以從故事裡溜走可以留在裡頭守候人有互相傷害的本能也有相互療癒的天份You can ... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-06-29 21:06:35 | 回應:0
﹝剪愛﹞星星在夜裡撩撥趁著未醒的黑暗在海面將自己墜落成點點雪雨就著月色鋪陳的道路記憶裡的幸福不再      遙... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-06-24 22:41:07 | 回應:0
  人,都得感謝那些不問任何原因、結果,始終屹立身旁支持著的陪伴,也許再多外來的目光與心疼都無法演替孤單,而那... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-06-08 21:03:33 | 回應:1
﹝People always looking for the Soul Mate, the half part of ourselves.  Once when you got a chance to be with... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-04-03 09:00:32 | 回應:0
常常一個人靜靜地坐著,腦海裡充滿了好多的人生與未來,事情是這樣的,當所有眼前的一切與未知,像塵埃一樣無意地散落... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-04-02 21:28:11 | 回應:0
To live is easy, but it’s not that easy to complete your life by the way you live.Everyone got the 50% settle... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-03-31 13:51:07 | 回應:0
Is it possible that one person keeps the passion for the other and possesses the courage to give a permanently... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-03-27 01:42:10 | 回應:0
Every fear hides a wish.How we run from the things we need. (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-03-06 23:19:34 | 回應:0
﹝愛會讓你變得脆弱不堪,但是人得先學會脆弱,才能懂得如何堅強。﹞... Renee。以下,摘錄自﹝The Hurricane﹞…I ha... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-02-22 01:05:25 | 回應:0
﹝傷人的並非事件本身,而是我們對事件的看法。﹞…Michel de Montaigne﹝人有權力追求個人信以為真的幸福,並同時對他... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-02-21 00:21:49 | 回應:0
Who says there’s no legend?在這部電影之前,我沒有聽過他的音樂,不知道誰是Johnny Cash,但是透過這部電影,你可... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-02-19 00:52:41 | 回應:0
We’re all confused by the things happened in our life.We’re not that sure what we want or what we’re exactl... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-02-18 17:46:58 | 回應:0
乍看之下,會以為這只是部卡司陣容堅強的商業喜劇片,它是!但在這些糖衣似的外表下,它其實也包裹了各種滋味百般的人... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-02-17 19:49:39 | 回應:0
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