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2009-03-31 13:51:07| 人氣195| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A lot like Love

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To live is easy, but it’s not that easy to complete your life by the way you live.

Everyone got the 50% settled couldn’t be changed when you’re born.

Such as countries, languages, cultures, nationalities, families … and so on.

The other 50% that could possible to be transformed depends on the way you choice to live.

Everyone got a reason to live for; all of us try hard to attend to the desirable vision.

For me, I try to make the people who surround me relieved and happy.

Sometimes I wonder will I feel regret for the passing time and those things that I’d never got the chance to experience.

But they’re just a thought which was transient sparkling on your mind in the twinkling of an eye.

As time goes by, some of them will just disappear and some will last as a pale, blurred trace.

All we can do is to grasp those moments which were touchable and really moved us.

Keep going on and doing something to influence each life surrounding.

Then, there might blend into another possibility, maybe.


台長: Renee
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