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2006-12-01 23:29:25| 人氣895| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

1129 WeiNing’s Graduation Ceremony

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^WeiNing,Haluka,Ikuko and Mickey(left to right)

I was so lucky to be invited to join WeiNing’s Graduation Ceremony of Edinburgh University on 29th November. She is the second girl I met in UK, actually, she saw me in Heathrow airport with my ASUS laptop, so she came to say hello to me, a totally stranger for her at that time.
Sometimes, you really don’t know how people meet each other and how people maintain their relationships, dose God arrange all of that? In Chinese, we say ’Yuan’ or ‘Yuan fen’, Dr. Eye (a translation software) describes it as ‘feeling of affinity’ or ‘the lot or luck by which people are brought together’. No matter whichever, I am always so grateful to have friends here to take care of each other.

WeiNing studies in School of Law in the famous ‘Old College’. That day, I was her photographer and stylist, different feeling from last week, but also was very happy, especially when I met some friends from last summer in the language course. And the McEwan Hall is really fantastic!

More pictures? Follow the linkage:
^壯觀的管風琴。The huge organ in McEwan Hall.

當天看著偉寧及媽媽開心的模樣,心情也跟著愉快起來;努力地拍了好些照片,希望能讓更多人一起分享,不只是畢業生的驕傲,還有一些屬於愛丁堡大學的美麗風景及回憶。 (尤其是想獻給愛大經濟系也順利畢業的Evelyn。)

典禮的儀式跟我們學校的儀式大同小異,不過,McEwan Hall裡壯觀的圓頂建築及巨大的管風琴,舞台上有威嚴的幾個寶座及裝飾,包括木製的觀眾坐椅以及穿著古典維多利亞時代英式服裝的男接待員,在在都令人覺得自己成了電影中的一角,令人難忘!

^ 典禮舉行的地點:McEwan Hall.
^ 儀式時教職員所在的舞台。The Stage.
^ 看的出偉寧臉上的淡妝嗎?

台長: 小小魚


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