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電影<The Hottest State> (最炎熱的國度) 配樂

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2006美國推出一部電影The Hottest State(中譯:最炎熱的國度),

電影內容取材自美國才子藝人Ethan Green Hawke(伊森霍克)所寫同名小說

The Hottest State,並由Ethan Hawke親自執導,可謂編、導一手包辦。

PS:Ethan Hawke可謂『演而優則導』最佳例子,他的著名角色作品諸如

Reality Bites(中譯:四個畢業生(1994)中的特洛伊

Before Sunrise(中譯:愛在黎明破曉時(1995)(前傳)的年輕傑西

Before Sunset(中譯:愛在日落巴黎時(2004)(後傳))的中年傑西。

這裡值得一提的是,Ethan Hawke也許真的很適合作一位哲學文人,

如在(四個畢業生)裡,Ethan Hawke飾演一個充滿哲學味的年輕人,

在(愛在日落巴黎時)Ethan Hawke作為一位小說家,而這些元素我們在


簡單說,(最炎熱的國度)是Ethan Hawke用小說寫哲學的體現。



<One Day The Dam Will Break>

By Jesse Harris(While The Music Lasts(2004)

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No matter how long it takes
One day the dam(大壩) will break
One day the tears will fall
Just like that waterfall
Down, down, falling down
Till the walls are crumbling(粉碎)

How can you be so strong
Tell me I don’t belong
But just like the plans you make
One day the dam will break
Down, down, falling down
Tumbling(翻滾) in the water

There’s no place for you to hide
And no need to be so scared
When you know that I care

Think that you’ll keep your mind
By leaving me behind
But it’s not your mind at stake
And one day the dam will break
One day the dam will break
One day the dam will break


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