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2009-12-08 23:41:29| 人氣176| 回應1 | 上一篇

back on the past

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things are different

wondering how the hell can i get back there

really miss those days

remember when we were young

"i want my daddy !!!!i want my mommy"

the familiar  voice that we used to yell at our kidergarden teachers

it always works

but not anymore

i have no one around me

no dad ,no mom ,and my best friend is leaving

i'm learning to step forward but it's feels like i'm steping on a plan that has planty of neadles on it

every steps are reminding me the past

and it hurts cuz the my past had been the most amazing time ever

seems like this long road is way to rough for me

i keep falling keep getting pain

underneath the carpet casting back the most remarkable memorise

try not to wake my sis up

cuz i need to stay strong

strong enough to face it

strong enough to prove myself  i'm strong

it' sounds silly but trust me that's how my life is

thank god i have friends around me

you guys rocked up my life

eventhough i know you guys might not or will not be physically around me

but all i know is i love you guys so much

no matter how worse thing goes

i know i still have you

and that's enough for me

i might not be the best

and some of my family members might think i'm useless or nothing

but you guys make me a something

something that makes me wanna be

mr.mj  (mickey rebecca michelle and jp)

so glad that i met you

cool us haha=)

YMBCPIT (which is the best church ever )

you guys brought me into heaven

huaxing (jese i should have spend more years with you guys)

kurt (my best "bro" ever.)

each one of you above listen up

my life is not in a tragic becuz of you

and even though i seems useless but for yoursake

i'll do my best i'll reach gpa 4

i'll get extremely high score one sat

i'll go to the best collage

i swear i will

bagging this world don't seperate us

stop taking things away from me

guys plz promise me things won't get change

i won't i'll be here all the time eventhough i might look worse than it was

but i'm still me i will love you guys forever ever and ever

this is me and that will be me all the time

don't left me behind or give me up

that's the only thing i ask for

also the last thing that matters

台長: MICKEY♥♥♥
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2009-12-09 18:45:48
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