I've visited many cities, but never traveled to the U.S. I would have never imagined that my first time going to the U.S would be with a very special team, including our adorable president Mu, Office of Student Affairs Dean Ms. Kuo and ten outstanding students. Together we traveled through the U.S., visiting our American sister schools in eleven days.
I recall handing my application form to CIAE; piles of other applicants' documents filled three paper boxes. Some of the applications were thick like a dictionary; I turned to look at my application form of just a few pages, so light like a light gust of wind could carry them away. A question mark appeared in my mind: Am I qualified for this opportunity? However, I still believe that there is no chance you can win without giving a try. Even if you fail this time, the experience still can help you understand more of yourself and the pros and cons of your performance.
Maybe, this shot is the main point that make us have this great opportunity to go to the U.S, and we did experience lots of totally fresh experiences over there in these short days.
As an old saying from the war period in Taiwan goes, people make eating a high priority, as there is nothing which can start without food. In this case, I will start from the sense of taste I’ve experienced in the U.S. The first time I ate Boston prawns, it took me about almost one hour to fight with the Prawn, and the result turned out great, because of that unforgettable flavor from the Atlantic Ocean. In addition, the buffet-style cafeteria in the university is fabulous; they supply many different kinds of food, in addition to some exotic food from Spain and Mexico. Those displays of colorful food allowed us to experience American food culture outside of the Hamburger.
One of our new visual experiences was going to see the annual dance performance by the students from UWRF. The props they used and the creative and confident style of performance on the stage impressed me a lot. Regarding the sense of smell, when we entered into the villa-like swimming pool in MU, we really surprised that the school followed the world in their facility so close. On their campus, it seems like new buildings under construction are a familiar sight. It shows the school is trying their best to provide the students with a better learning environment.
而在聽覺上,旁聽愛默生學院Culture Power課程時,當天同學上台簡報主題為 ”Make in China: America doesn’t have a culture. “ 台下同學一個接著一個舉手,他們發言的密度就像一場爭鋒相對辯論賽,每個人都想要出聲,讓自己的觀點能有發表的機會;在觸覺上,在威斯康辛大雪後的隔日抵達,零下氣溫裡摸著積在路旁的白雪,雪硬邦邦地像磚頭一樣,但輕輕用腳一踢,雪又馬上變成像混著泥的巨型黑糖挫冰,看來第一次摸雪的感受總是新鮮。
The fresh auditory experience happened as we sat in at the Culture Power class in Emerson College. That day’s topic was "Made in China: America doesn’t have a culture.” It was as if each student in the class were attending a competitive debate; they expressed their ideas in a very intensive way, one by one continuously. As for the sense of touch, some of us had never seen the snow before going to America. The day we arrived in the Wisconsin was just after their big snowstorm. We touched the snow by the road under the zero degree weather. It was like a hard brick, but when you kicked it gently, it would become like shaved iced topped with black-sugar earth inside. Seems that the first experience of touching snows is always fresh and new.
Actually, this article was finished one month after the journey. Now, when I remember those days in America, it's as if the ambitious spirit comes back to me again. We learned a great deal from this journey, expanding our vision and accepting the width of differences in the world, and we are such a team that had several times rehearsal just want to make sure we are able to show our presentation to the sister schools. Those memories have become a cherished treasure to me. I would like to thank my school, SHU, and all the teachers in this group - thanks for your teaching, encouragement and caring.
In the end, for those who are reading this article, next year, is your turn! I look forward to seeing your fantastic journeys to the U.S in the future.
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