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2007-05-31 12:43:00 | 人氣60| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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    A friend just came back from 吳哥窟. 招這個團招了三年才成行. Everyone's needs is different..
What is my purpose of traveling?
    Gary's dream is to Europe and America while being a freshman. And I just want to South-East Ascia to stay in Hotel and enjoy the swimming pool, bufe, drink, etc. Then I was assigned to live in NL for several years. To Heiderburg, Swansburg, Paris, Provence, Swiss, etc. It is really a good time. Just a pity I didn't touch North-Europe (Niko recommand me to Finland), and South-Europe (almost success to Spain). However, 那時候對歐洲並沒有較深切的了解. Till last year (2006) 才開始看那一系列的漫畫歷史. With those knowledge, the traveling should become more deep. Another way is concentrately listen to the 導遊's 解說. Actually I heard they are well trained and with certificate.
    知性之旅是我對旅遊很重要的一部份吧. 其他呢? 我還有的美好旅遊經驗有哪些? 人,旅行的伴. 除了與Wife遊山玩水之外, 與眾多好友同遊, 也留下很多美好的回憶. 我想起了 Jeans, Robert, Jeffery. 另外訪友也是值得紀錄的部份. 包括旅居 Alberqurque, San Francisco 的台籍朋友, 還有自己那些外籍朋友. Ivo 來台時, 我真是高興極了
    旅行途中的 music 與 talk, 也為美好的回憶加分. 公路電影一直是我很喜歡的題材. 自己竟偶爾也扮起了劇中角色. 當年開車去了幾次Swiss, 都是劉若英與陳綺貞's music 作陪. 現在聽那幾首歌仍歷歷浮現往少女峰沿途的湖光山色.
    自己當導遊也是很得意的經驗. 讓 Robert, Benny 目瞪口呆的旅遊規劃, 至今仍很有成就感. Especially Robert's travel in NL really changed his life. Though not change mine too much~
    通常最震撼的經驗大概就是第一次出國吧. Robert 第一次看到天鵝堡和黑門, Benny 第一次到 Belgin's Anterwap centrom, 那些表情都很有趣.
    如今的我,仍想出國嗎? 是出國觀光? 還是出國生活? 我想, 要的是一個好心情吧

台長: peter
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