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2006-10-12 00:58:05| 人氣92| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Relationship advice

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If at the first meeting a man takes a sexual liking to a woman, he calls it a "spark", or "love at first sight". Actually it is just a powerful emission of testosterone into blood. It is clear that a strong relationship will not start like this. Real feelings and the relationship come later. The relationship advice for this situation is that when a man wants a woman, he uses every possible way to win her. He says what she would like to hear, addresses her how she wishes. After starting a relationship with a trustful woman, he makes her believe that she is loved for what he recently longed so eagerly.

The woman is offended by such behavior. She regards intimate affinity as an apogee of love. She is left with an unpleasant feeling in her soul as if she was used. It is sad, but to a certain degree it is so and the man used her for releasing his sexual pressure.

So, the advice for women is to be attentive in the beginning of the relationship and to try to find out whether a man is really in love with her or he just wants sex with her (probably even only once).

台長: 花謙修
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