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2017-02-25 19:47:41| 人氣1,179| 回應5 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[Challenge。相編] 愛你。寶貝| Love you forever (步驟分享)

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[相編。12"x12" Layout]

➡在照片上點一下,會連結到這張照片的相本,按一下右上角的〝放大鏡〞圖示,就可以原尺寸觀看照片喔。(Click on the picture then press the zoom button to the right to see the picture in original size.)
〝放大鏡〞圖示 (the zoom button)

This page is created to congratulate a friend who gave birth to a baby last year.
This 12"x 12" layout is based on the following challenge.

➡ Sketch~N~Scrap - Sketch #123

[近拍。Close ups]

1. 將照片加紅邊框且定位。
Add a red frame to the photo and mark the position of the photo with a pencil.

2. 用型版加塑型膏及復古印台在背景做一些條紋和愛心圖案,待乾。
Create some stripes and heart shapes on the background with stencil and molding paste, and wait them dry.

3. 用印章做一張十二月的月曆。
Stamp a December calendar.

4. 做小旗標且用毛線串起來。
Make the labels and string them with a woolen thread.

5. 做一隻破蛋小雞。
Make a chick in a broken eggshell.

6. 將蕾絲紙暈邊。
Color the paper lace.

7.  組合所有項目即完成!
Compose all items to complete the layout.

Thank you so much for stopping by, and for your wonderful comments.

♪ 文章在痞客邦PIXNET同步發文♪ 
➡ 我的臉書粉絲頁
➡ 我的臉書社團
➡ 我的露天賣場

台長: 老貓
人氣(1,179) | 回應(5)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: 相片美編 |
此分類下一篇:[12吋相編] 寶寶相編
此分類上一篇:[Challenge。相編] 聖誕市集/ Christmas Bazaar (步驟分享)

Sharon Fritchman
Your page is absolutely gorgeous and photos are amazing, but is there a photo with YOU in it? That's the basis of Challenge YOUrself!
2017-02-26 23:28:19
Sorry, I miss the important require. There is no my photo in the page. :(
Could you please help to remove my page from Challenge Yourself #38?
2017-02-26 23:58:16
Brandy Williams
Very pretty. Love the stencil work and banner. Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap
2017-02-28 04:00:10
Thank you very much, Brandy.
2017-02-28 09:12:35
Angela A
I love this cute page and the way you did your background! The banner is so fun too! Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap!
2017-02-28 06:11:08
Thank you very much, Angela. :)
2017-02-28 09:11:49
this is so, so sweet! I love all your distress ink techniques on your background and the little chick is just so fun! Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap!
2017-03-01 09:19:09
Thank you very much,Karen. :)
2017-03-01 12:37:01
Beautiful and cute layout. Love the hearts. Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap.
2017-03-01 10:46:42
Thank you very much, Surama. :)
2017-03-01 12:36:39
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