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2016-12-07 14:49:59| 人氣677| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[Challenge。相編] 聖誕市集/ Christmas Bazaar (步驟分享)

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[相編。12"x12" Layout]

➡在照片上點一下,會連結到這張照片的相本,按一下右上角的〝放大鏡〞圖示,就可以原尺寸觀看照片喔。(Click on the picture then press the zoom button to the right to see the picture in original size.)
〝放大鏡〞圖示 (the zoom button)


The photos were taken in the Taipei European School 2016 Christmas Bazaar. I was so excited and nervous on my first stall. Many of my best friends came to visit and encourage me that day.
My work uses the "The Scrappy Sketches - Challenge #25 - Layout sketch" as the base, and it's inspired by the themes "CIHA 中華國際手創協會 - December: Red".
This 12"x 12" layout is based on the following challenges.

The Scrappy Sketches - Challenge #25 - Layout sketch
The Scrappy Sketches.

CIHA 中華國際手創協會 - December: Red

[近拍。Close ups]

1. 將一張美編紙裁剪為11吋x11吋,貼在另一張美編紙上,並標記照片的位置。
Mark the positions of the photo with a pencil.

2. 用型版加塑型膏在背景做一些星星和日期圖案,待乾。
Create some stars and dates on the background with a stencil and molding paste, and let them dry. 

3. 使用Tattered Angels的噴劑噴在背景紙,待乾。
Spray a mist of Tattered Angels and let it dry.

4. 將網紗緞帶固定在背景紙上,綁起來。
Stick the ribbons to the background and bind them with a hemp rope.

5. 用花編剪、花邊打洞器在美編紙四週做造型,然後黏貼在照片後面。
Use craft scissors
 and modeling punch to cut the papers, and stick them to the back of the photo.

6. 用美編紙做薑餅人裝飾。然後加上"Christmas Bazaar"。
Create some
gingerbread men with paper and decorate with a title "Christmas Bazaar".

7. 手寫文字,捲成圓桶用痲繩綁起來別在木夾上。
Add a handwriting description on a paper and bind it with a hemp rope.

8.  完成!
Layout completed.

更多聖誕市集花絮在 [活動花絮] 歐洲學校市集

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your wonderful comments.


台長: 老貓

Love this...I've been missed challenge for many months XD
2016-12-07 19:31:43
Thank you so much, Belinda. Let's starting from this month, how do you think? ^__________^
2016-12-07 20:47:32
mina juveler
great LO! thank you for playing with us at The Scrappy Sketches :
2017-01-07 08:02:32
Thank you so much,Mina.:)
2017-01-07 09:03:10
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