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2016-09-10 20:04:07| 人氣667| 回應10 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[Challenge。相編] 老爸愛你呦/LOVE YOU DAD (教學影片)

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[相編。12"x12" Layout]

➡在照片上點一下,會連結到這張照片的相本,按一下右上角的〝放大鏡〞圖示,就可以原尺寸觀看照片喔。(Click on the picture then press the zoom button to the right to see the picture in original size.)
〝放大鏡〞圖示 (the zoom button)

照片是2014年大年初一,全家人在家附近的油菜花田散步時拍的。 老貓很喜歡老爸這張獨照,照片裡的老爸有點可愛和俏皮,而且笑得很開心,真的是老頑童呢!這相編使用 Let's Get Sketchy 相編網 Sept Week 1 的草圖,顏色和白點的發想來自 ARTastic 相編網中 Donald James Waters 的" Spot on".

I took this photo of my dad in a canola flower farm which is around my house. I especially love this photo because my dad had this naughty smile on his face. I love him so much! 
My work uses the Sept Week 1 Sketch of the Let's Get Sketchy as the base. The colors and the white dots are inspired by the artwork "Spot on" by Donald James Waters .

This 12"x 12" layout is based on the following challenges.

Let's Get Sketchy - Sept Week 1

ARTastic Challenge Blog - CRITERIA - A tribute to Dad

[近拍。Close ups]

➡ YouTube : https://youtu.be/DS3zsyy82E4

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your wonderful comments.


台長: 老貓

Tone K.
Beautiful page! I love the torn paper and you hearth :) Great colors too :)
Thanks a lot for joining us at ARTastic! :)
2016-09-11 17:30:10
Thank you so much, Tone. :)
2016-09-11 19:16:33
Lizzy Hill
Ooooh! I LOVE this.... that texture you've got with ripping the papers....and the string heart. Looks fabulous:) As always, love having you joining us at ARTastic:):)
2016-09-12 18:42:31
Thank you so much, Lizzy. :)
2016-09-12 18:46:00
2016-09-12 19:38:34
What a great page, so bright and colourful. Thank you for playing along with us on ARTastic.
2016-09-13 05:45:13
Thank you so much, Jane. :)
2016-09-13 08:03:24
Fantastic! Love all the mixed media and the textures and colours are fabulous. Thanks for creating with us at ARTastic!
2016-09-14 20:48:13
Thank you so much, Angelika. :)
2016-09-14 22:31:04
Mary Bennetts
A lovely happy layout of your Dad, I like how you have used the dots as inspiration from the painting. Thank you for joining in at ARTastic this month
2016-09-16 16:14:51
Thank you so much, Mary. :)
2016-09-16 16:57:37
Kate Lai
很棒的作品及創意!Thanks for joining us at LGS!
2016-09-20 15:13:35
謝謝Kate的讚美. :)
2016-09-20 15:50:48
Fantastic layout and great take on both challenges.
2016-09-27 12:12:23
Thank you so much, Kat. :)
2016-09-27 12:44:15
Lovely page! Awesome details. Thanks for sharing with us at ARTastic. Anna xo
2016-10-01 14:48:23
Thank you so much, Anna . :)
2016-10-01 14:51:34
An'Jenic G
Beautiful page of your day. I love the layers. Thanks for joining us at ARTastic challenge blog.
2016-10-01 20:39:05
Thank you so much, An'Jenic G. :)
2016-10-01 20:41:18
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