In my opinion, if you can be honest to yourself, you will be sincere to others.
I think i do not have a right to talk about relationship issues, but do not treat people as nuts. We have feelings and thoughts. It doesn’t matter a person is sensitive or not, just because we are human beings. You can make stories to your friends, to your parents, to the person you love. BUT, you cannot lie yourself. Or, you don’t wanna face the reality, and just pretend there’s nothing happened?
Today, I get an order from I sell books online. This book I will sell is from my friend. There were a lot of pencil markers on many pages. I used my big eraser to clean up them. I was so tired and realized that to make an marker on the white sheet is easy, but to erase it is difficult. Plus, I can still see the clear imprints on it.
What I’d like to express is: you can make your own decisions without any regrets, but please do not hurt people who love you, care about you, and who have prospects of you. In addition, don’t waste your time and talent. We are not young anymore.
[Illustration] オダワラ