I have lunch with my dear brother this afternoon at a Japanese restaurant. He will have his Chinese oral exam at TKP secondary school tmr(today indeed!) and today is the last time he returns to his school for oral practice. We start with topics about our church, the preacher, the meetings, the history, our views on some events(especially love affairs). I admit that I am still very very disobedient on this topic. I really with little faith on God......For your seek and Lord's seek, I must change some of my bad habits, with the grace of God.
Go to Public library to read SCMP, deposits my RMB into my HKD accounts, then at 5:30, meet Ben at MTR station to give him a favour la.
At night, I discover the meaing of '善工': we are the work of God. So, in order to be the leader of church, we should first let God accomplish His plan on us.
Psm 133
看哪、弟兄和睦同居、是何等的善、何等的美。 這好比那貴重的油、澆在亞倫的頭上、流到鬍鬚.又流到他的衣襟.又好比黑門的甘露、降在錫安山.因為在那裡有耶和華所命定的福、就是永遠的生命。