Originally, we planned to wake up at 10:00, however, we can leave at 11:30 am. It is really not unexpected,as Jerry is always very slow.
By taxi, we arrive Henan Muesum. There are many many precious collections, which are placed according to their dynasties. I dun wanna type everything I watched here. But I am really surprised about they sell the collection! How come they can betray the country for money!
Then, Ken, Jerry and I go to two department stores. We walk for 2 hours I think, but we buy nothing except a Coke in McDonalds. There is a old street selling goods and snacks here. But we dun dare to see them as we are afraid that the food is not clean. We return to hotel to play bowling, and I am always the loser. After having dinner and watching a movie, we go out again.
At night, we go to 風鈐. There is a band singing English and Cantonese songs. The singer inimates beyond. I quite like the style of this place.