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2007-09-28 16:40:10| 人氣66| 回應0 | 上一篇

Every day a little task

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To remember every day I have and keep my English writing proficiency, I decide to write my blog in English to achieve the goal. At beginning, I may not know what to write, but I believe there is always something worthy paying attention in the daily life even thought it may be a very trifle thing.

Recently, I began to prepare my GEPT test. However, I am not satisfied with my performance of the test. I am supposed to perform better, that is to get the full score, in the mock test. I dare not to tell others I am an English major student if my record is exposed to others.

Here is the question--Why do I perform so badly in the GEPT test?
It might be a joke if I tell others I got a TESOL certificate~
There may be a lot of reasons explaining the phenomenon:
1. I scarcely practice daily English and focused too much on academic English
2. Not enough practice to take such language proficiency tests
3. My reading comprension improved but my grammer didn’t and even got worse,
4. I’ve not kept my Enlish ability for two months.
5. I am not as good as I thought

Anyway, the points I listed above may be imcomplete.
I hope after the self-examination I will be better to know how to compass myself and got better score in the test.

Next article is supposed to talk about how to prepare the test!

台長: 城市.陌生.女子
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